mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 16:34:17 +01:00
Update afstest.py
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import logging
from math import ceil, floor
from afstool import AfsInvalidFileLenError, Afs, FilenameResolver
from math import floor, ceil
import os
import re
import time
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from time import time
__version__ = "0.0.3"
__author__ = "rigodron, algoflash, GGLinnk"
@ -14,413 +12,288 @@ __license__ = "MIT"
__status__ = "developpement"
class AfsInvalidFileLenError(Exception): pass
# Set afss_path with your AFSs folder
# Set afspacker_path with the path of AFSPacker.exe
afss_path = Path("afs")
afspacker_path = Path("../_autres/_soft/AFSPacker.exe")
afspacker_unpack_path = Path("afspacker_unpack")
# Created tmp paths
unpack_path = Path("unpack")
unpack2_path = Path("unpack2")
repack_path = Path("repack")
class FilenameResolver:
__sys_path = None
__names_tuples = None
__resolve_buffer = ""
__separator = '/'
def __init__(self, sys_path:Path):
self.__sys_path = sys_path
self.__names_tuples = {}
def __load(self):
if (self.__sys_path / "filename_resolver.txt").is_file():
self.__resolve_buffer = (self.__sys_path / "filename_resolver.txt").read_text()
for line in self.__resolve_buffer.split('\n'):
name_tuple = line.split(self.__separator)
self.__names_tuples[name_tuple[2]] = (int(name_tuple[0]), name_tuple[1])
def save(self):
if len(self.__resolve_buffer) > 0:
logging.info("Writting filename_resolver.txt")
(self.__sys_path / "filename_resolver.txt").write_text(self.__resolve_buffer[:-1])
# resolve generate a unique filename when unpacking
def resolve_new(self, fileindex:int, filename:str):
if filename in self.__names_tuples:
if self.__names_tuples[filename][0] == fileindex:
return filename
i = 1
new_filename = f"{Path(filename).stem} ({i}){Path(filename).suffix}"
while new_filename in self.__names_tuples:
if self.__names_tuples[new_filename][0] == fileindex:
return new_filename
new_filename = f"{Path(filename).stem} ({i}){Path(filename).suffix}"
self.__names_tuples[new_filename] = (fileindex, filename)
self.__resolve_buffer += f"{fileindex}{self.__separator}{filename}{self.__separator}{new_filename}\n"
return new_filename
self.__names_tuples[filename] = (fileindex, filename)
return filename
# return generated filename if it exist else filename
def resolve_from_index(self, fileindex:int, filename:str):
for filename_key, name_tuple in self.__names_tuples.items():
if name_tuple[0] == fileindex:
return filename_key
return filename
class AfsTest(Afs):
# return a list of tuples with (offset, resolved filename)
def get_range(self, folder_path:Path):
sys_path = folder_path / "sys"
resolver = FilenameResolver(sys_path)
offsets_names_map = [(0, "SYS TOC")]
for i in range(0, self._Afs__file_count):
filename = resolver.resolve_from_index(i, self._Afs__get_file_name(i)) if self._Afs__filenamedirectory else f"{i:08}"
offsets_names_map.append( (self._Afs__get_file_offset(i), filename) )
if self._Afs__filenamedirectory:
offsets_names_map.append( (self._Afs__get_filenamedirectory_offset(), "SYS FD") )
return offsets_names_map
# http://wiki.xentax.com/index.php/GRAF:AFS_AFS
class Afs:
MAGIC_00 = b"AFS\x00"
MAGIC_20 = b"AFS\x20"
ALIGN = 0x800
__file_count = None
__filenamedirectory_offset_offset = None
__filenamedirectory_offset = None
__filenamedirectory_len = None
__filenamedirectory = None
__tableofcontent = None
def __get_magic(self):
return bytes(self.__tableofcontent[0:4])
def __get_file_count(self):
return int.from_bytes(self.__tableofcontent[4:8], "little")
def __get_filenamedirectory_offset(self):
return int.from_bytes(self.__tableofcontent[self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset:self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset+4], "little")
def __get_filenamedirectory_len(self):
return int.from_bytes(self.__tableofcontent[self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset+4:self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset+8], "little")
def __get_file_offset(self, fileindex:int):
return int.from_bytes(self.__tableofcontent[Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8:Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8+4], "little")
def __get_file_len(self, fileindex:int):
return int.from_bytes(self.__tableofcontent[Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8+4:Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8+8], "little")
def __get_file_name(self, fileindex:int):
return self.__filenamedirectory[fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN:fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN+32].split(b"\x00")[0].decode("utf-8")
def __get_file_fdlast(self, fileindex:int):
return int.from_bytes(self.__filenamedirectory[fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN+44:fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN+48], "little")
def __get_mtime(self, fileindex:int):
mtime_data = self.__filenamedirectory[fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN+32:fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN+44]
year = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[0:2], "little")
month = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[2:4], "little")
day = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[4:6], "little")
hour = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[6:8], "little")
minute = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[8:10], "little")
second = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[10:12], "little")
return time.mktime(datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second).timetuple())
def __patch_file_len(self, fileindex:int, file_len:int):
# Patch file_len in the FD
if self.__filenamedirectory:
if self.__get_file_len(fileindex) == self.__filenamedirectory[fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN+44:fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN+48]:
self.__filenamedirectory[fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN+44:fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN+48] = file_len.to_bytes(4, "little")
# Patch file_len in the TOC
self.__tableofcontent[Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8+4:Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8+8] = file_len.to_bytes(4, "little")
def __patch_mtime(self, fileindex:int, mtime):
mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime)
self.__filenamedirectory[Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN*fileindex+32:Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN*fileindex+44] = \
mtime.year.to_bytes(2,"little")+ \
mtime.month.to_bytes(2,"little")+ \
mtime.day.to_bytes(2,"little")+ \
mtime.hour.to_bytes(2,"little")+ \
def __pad(self, data:bytes):
if len(data) % self.ALIGN != 0:
data += b"\x00" * (self.ALIGN - (len(data) % self.ALIGN))
return data
def __clean_filenamedirectory(self):
self.__filenamedirectory = None
self.__filenamedirectory_offset = None
self.__filenamedirectory_len = None
def __loadsys_from_afs(self, afs_file, afs_len:int):
self.__tableofcontent = afs_file.read(Afs.HEADER_LEN)
if self.__get_magic() not in [Afs.MAGIC_00, Afs.MAGIC_20]:
raise Exception("Invalid AFS magic number.")
self.__file_count = self.__get_file_count()
self.__tableofcontent += afs_file.read(self.__file_count*8)
tableofcontent_len = len(self.__tableofcontent)
def print_paths_differences(folder1_paths:list, folder2_paths:list):
backup_paths = folder2_paths.copy()
for path in folder1_paths:
if path in folder2_paths:
for path in backup_paths:
if path in folder1_paths:
print("folder1 diff :")
for path in folder1_paths:
print("folder2 diff :")
for path in folder2_paths:
offset = tableofcontent_len
tmp_block = int.from_bytes(afs_file.read(4), "little")
if tmp_block != 0:
self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset = offset
self.__filenamedirectory_offset = tmp_block
# If filenamedirectory_offset is not directly after the files offsets and lens
# --> we search the next uint32 != 0
offset += 4
block_len = 0x800
tmp_block = afs_file.read(block_len)
while tmp_block:
match = re.search(b"^(?:\x00{4})*(?!\x00{4})(.{4})", tmp_block) # match next uint32
if match:
self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset = offset + match.start(1)
self.__filenamedirectory_offset = int.from_bytes(match[1], "little")
offset += block_len
tmp_block = afs_file.read(block_len)
if self.__filenamedirectory_offset is None:
raise Exception("Error - Empty AFS.")
self.__filenamedirectory_len = int.from_bytes(afs_file.read(4), "little")
# Test if offset of filenamedirectory is valid and if number of entries match between filenamedirectory and tableofcontent
if self.__filenamedirectory_offset + self.__filenamedirectory_len > afs_len or \
self.__filenamedirectory_offset < self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset or \
(tableofcontent_len - self.HEADER_LEN) / 8 != self.__filenamedirectory_len / Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN:
# compare two files
def compare_files(file1_path:Path, file2_path:Path):
CLUSTER_LEN = 131072
with file1_path.open("rb") as file1, file2_path.open("rb") as file2:
# Init
bytes1 = file1.read(CLUSTER_LEN)
bytes2 = file2.read(CLUSTER_LEN)
while bytes1 or bytes2: # continue if bytes1 and bytes2 have a len > 0
if bytes1 != bytes2:
return False
self.__filenamedirectory = afs_file.read(self.__filenamedirectory_len)
# Test if filename is correct by very basic pattern matching
pattern = re.compile(b"^(?=.{32}$)[^\x00]+\x00+$")
for i in range(0, self.__file_count):
if not pattern.fullmatch(self.__filenamedirectory[i*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN:i*Afs.FILENAMEBLOCK_ENTRY_LEN+32]):
return False
self.__tableofcontent += afs_file.read(self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset+8 - tableofcontent_len)
return True
def __loadsys_from_folder(self, sys_path:Path):
self.__tableofcontent = bytearray( (sys_path / "tableofcontent.bin").read_bytes() )
self.__file_count = self.__get_file_count()
# If there is a filenamedirectory we load it
if (sys_path / "filenamedirectory.bin").is_file():
self.__filenamedirectory = bytearray((sys_path / "filenamedirectory.bin").read_bytes())
self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset = len(self.__tableofcontent) - 8
self.__filenamedirectory_offset = self.__get_filenamedirectory_offset()
self.__filenamedirectory_len = self.__get_filenamedirectory_len()
if self.__filenamedirectory_len != len(self.__filenamedirectory):
raise Exception("Error - Tableofcontent filenamedirectory length does not match real filenamedirectory length.")
def unpack(self, afs_path:Path, folder_path:Path):
sys_path = folder_path / "sys"
root_path = folder_path / "root"
with afs_path.open("rb") as afs_file:
if not self.__loadsys_from_afs(afs_file, afs_path.stat().st_size):
logging.info("There is no filename directory. Creating new names and dates for files.")
logging.debug(f"filenamedirectory_offset:0x{self.__filenamedirectory_offset:x}, filenamedirectory_len:0x{self.__filenamedirectory_len:x}.")
logging.info("Writting sys/filenamedirectory.bin")
(sys_path / "filenamedirectory.bin").write_bytes(self.__filenamedirectory)
resolver = FilenameResolver(sys_path)
logging.info("Writting sys/tableofcontent.bin")
(sys_path / "tableofcontent.bin").write_bytes(self.__tableofcontent)
logging.info(f"Extracting {self.__file_count} files.")
for i in range(0, self.__file_count):
file_offset = self.__get_file_offset(i)
file_len = self.__get_file_len(i)
filename = resolver.resolve_new(i, self.__get_file_name(i)) if self.__filenamedirectory else f"{i:08}"
logging.debug(f"Writting {root_path / filename} 0x{file_offset:x}:0x{file_offset + file_len:x}")
(root_path / filename).write_bytes(afs_file.read(file_len))
if self.__filenamedirectory:
mtime = self.__get_mtime(i)
os.utime(root_path / filename, (mtime, mtime))
if self.__filenamedirectory:
def pack(self, folder_path:Path, afs_path:Path = None):
if afs_path == None:
afs_path = folder_path / Path(folder_path.name).with_suffix(".afs")
elif afs_path.suffix != ".afs":
logging.warning("Dest file should have .afs file extension.")
sys_path = folder_path / "sys"
root_path = folder_path / "root"
if self.__filenamedirectory:
resolver = FilenameResolver(sys_path)
offsets_map = self.__get_offsets_map()
with afs_path.open("wb") as afs_file:
# We update files
for i in range(0, self.__file_count):
file_offset = self.__get_file_offset(i)
file_len = self.__get_file_len(i)
filename = resolver.resolve_from_index(i, self.__get_file_name(i)) if self.__filenamedirectory else f"{i:08}"
file_path = root_path / filename
new_file_len = file_path.stat().st_size
if new_file_len != file_len:
next_offset = None
# If no FD, we can raise AFS length without constraint
if offsets_map.index(file_offset) + 1 < len(offsets_map):
next_offset = offsets_map[offsets_map.index(file_offset)+1]
if next_offset:
if file_offset + new_file_len > next_offset:
raise AfsInvalidFileLenError(f"File {file_path} as a new file_len (0x{new_file_len:x}) > next file offset (0x{next_offset:x}). "\
"This means that we have to rebuild the AFS using -r and changing offset of all next files and this could lead to bugs if the main dol use AFS relative file offsets.")
self.__patch_file_len(i, new_file_len)
# If there is a filenamedirectory we update mtime :
if self.__filenamedirectory:
self.__patch_mtime(i, round(file_path.stat().st_mtime))
logging.debug(f"Packing {file_path} 0x{file_offset:x}:0x{file_offset+new_file_len:x} in AFS.")
if self.__filenamedirectory:
logging.debug(f"Packing {sys_path}/tableofcontent.bin at the beginning of the AFS.")
def rebuild(self, folder_path:Path):
raise Exception("Not implemented yet")
def stats(self, path:Path):
if path.is_file():
with path.open("rb") as afs_file:
self.__loadsys_from_afs(afs_file, path.stat().st_size)
self.__loadsys_from_folder(path / "sys")
files_map = self.__get_formated_map()
files_map.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # sort by offset
# Offsets intersect
dup_offsets_tuples = []
last_tuple = (-1, "-1", "0") # empty space search init
new_set = True
# Filenames duplicates
dup_names_dict = {} # tmp dict for grouping by filename
dup_names_tuples = []
# For empty blocks
empty_space_tuples = []
for file_tuple in files_map:
# Filenames duplicates
if not file_tuple[6] in dup_names_dict:
dup_names_dict[file_tuple[6]] = [file_tuple]
# Offsets intersect
if file_tuple[1] < last_tuple[1]:
if new_set:
dup_offsets_tuples.append("Files sharing same offsets:\n")
new_set = False
new_set = True
# Empty blocks
last_block_end = ceil(int(last_tuple[2], base=16) / Afs.ALIGN) * Afs.ALIGN
if int(file_tuple[1], base=16) - last_block_end >= Afs.ALIGN:
empty_space_tuples.append( (last_tuple[2], file_tuple[1], f"{int(file_tuple[1], base=16) - int(last_tuple[2], base=16):08x}", file_tuple[6]) )
last_tuple = file_tuple
for filename in dup_names_dict:
if len(dup_names_dict[filename]) > 1:
dup_names_tuples += ["Files sharing same name:\n"] + [file_tuple for file_tuple in dup_names_dict[filename]]
dup_offsets = "Yes" if len(dup_offsets_tuples) > 1 else "No"
dup_names = "Yes" if len(dup_names_tuples) > 1 else "No"
empty_space = "Yes" if len(empty_space_tuples) > 1 else "No"
files_info = f"AFS Magic/Version : {str(self.__get_magic())[2:-1]}\n"+\
f"TOC offset of the FD offset : 0x{self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset:x}\n"+\
f"Multiple files using same offsets: {dup_offsets}\n"+\
f"Multiple files using same name : {dup_names}\n"+\
f"Empty blocks : {empty_space}\n"
self.__print("Global infos and AFS space mapping:", files_map, infos=files_info)
if dup_offsets_tuples:
self.__print("Files sharing same AFS offsets:", dup_offsets_tuples)
if dup_names_tuples:
self.__print("Files using same filenames:", dup_names_tuples)
if empty_space_tuples:
self.__print("Empty blocks between files (filename = name of the previous file):", empty_space_tuples, columns=[1,2,3,6])
def __print(self, title:str, lines_tuples, columns:list = list(range(0,7)), infos:str = ""):
stats_buffer = "#"*100+f"\n# {title}\n"+"#"*100+f"\n{infos}|"+"-"*99+"\n"
if 0 in columns: stats_buffer += "| Index ";
if 1 in columns: stats_buffer += "| b offset ";
if 2 in columns: stats_buffer += "| e offset ";
if 3 in columns: stats_buffer += "| length ";
if 4 in columns: stats_buffer += "| YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS ";
if 5 in columns: stats_buffer += "| FD last ";
if 6 in columns: stats_buffer += "| Filename";
stats_buffer += "\n|"+"-"*99+"\n"
for line in lines_tuples:
stats_buffer += line if type(line) == str else "| "+" | ".join(line)+"\n"
print(stats_buffer, end='')
# end offset not included (0,1) -> len=1
def __get_offsets_map(self):
# offsets_map is used to check next used offset when updating files
# we also check if there is intersect between files
offsets_map = [(0, len(self.__tableofcontent))]
for i in range(0, self.__file_count):
file_offset = self.__get_file_offset(i)
offsets_map.append( (file_offset, file_offset + self.__get_file_len(i)) )
if self.__filenamedirectory:
filenamedirectory_offset = self.__get_filenamedirectory_offset()
offsets_map.append( (filenamedirectory_offset, filenamedirectory_offset + self.__get_filenamedirectory_len()) )
offsets_map.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
# Check if there is problems in file memory mapping
last_tuple = (-1, -1)
for i, offsets_tuple in enumerate(offsets_map):
if offsets_tuple[0] < last_tuple[1]:
raise Exception(f"Error - Multiple files use same file offsets ranges.")
last_tuple = offsets_tuple
offsets_map[i] = offsets_tuple[0]
return offsets_map
# end offset not included (0,1) -> len=1
def __get_formated_map(self):
files_map = [("SYS TOC ", "00000000", f"{len(self.__tableofcontent):08x}", f"{len(self.__tableofcontent):08x}", "SYS TOC"+' '*12, "SYS TOC ", "SYS TOC")]
for i in range(0, self.__file_count):
file_offset = self.__get_file_offset(i)
file_len = self.__get_file_len(i)
file_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.__get_mtime(i)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if self.__filenamedirectory else " "*19
filename = self.__get_file_name(i) if self.__filenamedirectory else f"{i:08}"
files_map.append((f"{i:08x}", f"{file_offset:08x}", f"{file_offset + file_len:08x}", f"{file_len:08x}", file_date, f"{self.__get_file_fdlast(i):08x}", filename))
if self.__filenamedirectory:
files_map.append(("SYS FD ", f"{self.__filenamedirectory_offset:08x}", \
f"{self.__filenamedirectory_offset + len(self.__filenamedirectory):08x}", \
f"{len(self.__filenamedirectory):08x}", "SYS FD"+' '*13, "SYS FD ", "SYS FD"))
return files_map
bytes1 = file1.read(CLUSTER_LEN)
bytes2 = file2.read(CLUSTER_LEN)
return True
def get_argparser():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='AFS packer & unpacker - [GameCube] v' + __version__)
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose mode')
parser.add_argument('input_path', metavar='INPUT', help='')
parser.add_argument('output_path', metavar='OUTPUT', help='', nargs='?', default="")
# compare two folder
# -> raise an exception if there is a difference in paths or in file content
def compare_folders(folder1: Path, folder2: Path, compare_mtime=False):
folder1_tmp_paths = list(folder1.glob("*"))
folder1_file_count = len(folder1_tmp_paths)
print(f"compare \"{folder1}\" - \"{folder2}\" ({folder1_file_count} files)")
if folder1_file_count == 0:
raise Exception(f"ERROR - EMPTY FOLDER: {folder1}")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('-p', '--pack', action='store_true', help="-p source_folder (dest_file.afs) : Pack source_folder in new file source_folder.afs or dest_file.afs if specified.")
group.add_argument('-u', '--unpack', action='store_true', help="-u source_afs.afs (dest_folder) : Unpack the AFS in new folder source_afs or dest_folder if specified.")
group.add_argument('-s', '--stats', action='store_true', help="-s source_afs.afs or source_folder : Get stats about AFS, files, memory, lengths and offsets.")
group.add_argument('-r', '--rebuild', help="-r source_folder fndo_offset : Rebuild AFS tableofcontent (TOC) and filenamedirectory (FND) using filenamedirectory_offset_offset=fndo_offset (the offset in the TOC).")
return parser
len1 = len(folder1.parts)
len2 = len(folder2.parts)
# 1. Compare names in filesystems
folder1_paths = [Path(*path.parts[len1:]) for path in folder1_tmp_paths]
folder2_paths = [Path(*path.parts[len2:]) for path in folder2.glob("*")]
if folder1_paths != folder2_paths:
print_paths_differences(folder1_paths, folder2_paths)
raise Exception(f"Folders \"{folder1}\" and \"{folder2}\" are different (not the same folders or files names).")
# 2. Compare files content
for path1 in folder1_tmp_paths:
path2 = folder2 / Path(*path1.parts[len1:])
if compare_mtime:
# When using FD Date it floor to second
if round(path1.stat().st_mtime) != round(path2.stat().st_mtime):
raise Exception(f"\"{path1}\" and \"{path2}\" mtime (update time) are different:\n {round(path1.stat().st_mtime)}-{round(path2.stat().st_mtime)}")
if not compare_files(path1, path2):
raise Exception(f"\"{path1}\" and \"{path2}\" are different.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
args = get_argparser().parse_args()
# compare two AFS
# -> raise an exception if there is a difference in:
# -paths
# -files content
# -mtime if there is a filename directory
def compare_unpacked_AFS(folder1: Path, folder2: Path):
compare_mtime = False
if (folder1 / "sys" / "filenamedirectory.bin").is_file():
compare_mtime = True
compare_folders(folder1 / "root", folder2 / "root", compare_mtime)
p_input = Path(args.input_path)
p_output = Path(args.output_path)
afs = Afs()
if args.verbose:
def patch_all_bytes(file_path:Path, max_len:int = None):
file_data = bytearray(file_path.read_bytes())
if max_len == None:
max_len = len(file_data)
elif max_len < len(file_data):
file_data = file_data[:max_len]
for i in range(0, len(file_data)):
file_data[i] = (file_data[i] + 1) % 255
if max_len > len(file_data):
file_data.extend(b"\x01"*(max_len - len(file_data)))
if args.pack:
logging.info("### Pack in new AFS")
if(p_output == Path(".")):
p_output = Path(p_input.with_suffix(".afs"))
logging.info(f"packing folder {p_input} in {p_output}")
afs.pack( p_input, p_output )
elif args.unpack:
logging.info("### Unpack AFS in new folder")
if p_output == Path("."):
p_output = p_input.parent / p_input.stem
logging.info(f"unpacking AFS {p_input} in {p_output}")
afs.unpack( p_input, p_output )
elif args.stats:
# if not bool_len: patch all files with max len
# if bool_len: patch first file found with max len + 1
def patch_unpackedfiles_in_folder(folder_path:Path, bool_len:bool = False):
for afsfolder_path in folder_path.glob("*"):
print(f"Patching {afsfolder_path}...")
afs_test = AfsTest()
offsets_names_map = afs_test.get_range(afsfolder_path)
for file_path in afsfolder_path.glob("root/*"):
max_len = None
# Search by resolved name and get begin offset of next file / SYS File
for i in range(0, len(offsets_names_map)):
if offsets_names_map[i][1] == file_path.name:
if i+1 < len(offsets_names_map):
max_len = offsets_names_map[i+1][0] - offsets_names_map[i][0]
if bool_len:
max_len += 1
# else there is no limit because last file
max_len = file_path.stat().st_size + Afs.ALIGN
patch_all_bytes(file_path, max_len)
if bool_len:
# afstool.py commands wrappers
def afspacker_extract(afs_path:Path, folder_path:Path):
print(f"AFSPacker.exe : Extracting \"{afs_path}\" in \"{folder_path}\"")
if os.system(f"{afspacker_path} -e \"{afs_path}\" \"{folder_path}\" > NUL") != 0:
raise Exception("Error while unpacking with AFSPacker.exe")
def afstool_pack(folder_path:Path, afs_path:Path):
if os.system(f"python afstool.py -p \"{folder_path}\" \"{afs_path}\"") != 0:
raise Exception("Error while (re)packing.")
def afstool_unpack(afs_path:Path, folder_path:Path):
if os.system(f"python afstool.py -u \"{afs_path}\" \"{folder_path}\"") != 0:
raise Exception("Error while unpacking.")
def repack_unpack2_compare():
unpack_paths = list(unpack_path.glob("*"))
# repack unpack_path repack_path
for folder_path in unpack_paths:
afstool_pack(folder_path, repack_path / Path(folder_path.stem).with_suffix('.afs'))
# unpack repack_path unpack2_path
for afs_path in repack_path.glob("*"):
afstool_unpack(afs_path, unpack2_path / afs_path.stem)
# compare unpack_path unpack2_path
for folder_path in unpack_paths:
compare_unpacked_AFS(folder_path, unpack2_path / folder_path.name)
start = time()
print("# Checking tests folder")
# Check if tests folders exist
if unpack_path.is_dir() or unpack2_path.is_dir() or repack_path.is_dir():
raise Exception(f"Error - Please remove:\n-{unpack_path}\n-{unpack2_path}\n-{repack_path}")
print(f"# TEST 1/{TEST_COUNT}")
print("# Comparing afss_path->unpack->[unpack_path] AFS with [afspacker_unpack_path].")
afss_paths = list(afss_path.glob("*"))
if not afspacker_unpack_path.is_dir():
# AFSPacker.exe unpack afss_path in afspacker_unpack_path
for afs_path in afss_paths:
afspacker_extract(afs_path, afspacker_unpack_path / afs_path.stem)
# unpack afss_path unpack_path
for afs_path in afss_paths:
afstool_unpack(afs_path, unpack_path / afs_path.stem)
# compare unpack_path afspacker_unpack_path
# AFSPacker don't store the date present in the filename directory in the file metadatas and update every dates when packing
for folder_path in unpack_path.glob("*"):
compare_folders(folder_path / "root", afspacker_unpack_path / folder_path.stem)
print(f"# TEST 2/{TEST_COUNT}")
print("# Comparing unpack_path->pack->[repack_path] AFS with [afss_path].")
# repack unpack_path repack_path
for folder_path in unpack_path.glob("*"):
afstool_pack(folder_path, repack_path / Path(folder_path.stem).with_suffix('.afs'))
# compare repack_path afss_path
compare_folders(afss_path, repack_path)
print(f"# TEST 3/{TEST_COUNT}")
print("# Comparing [unpack_path]->patch->pack->unpack->[unpack2_path].")
# Patch unpack files whithout changing their len
for folder_path in unpack_path.glob("*"):
print(f"Patching {folder_path}...")
for file_path in folder_path.glob("root/*"):
print(f"# TEST 4/{TEST_COUNT}")
print("# Comparing [unpack_path]->patch(max_size)->pack->unpack->[unpack2_path].")
# Patch unpack files changing len to max
print(f"# TEST 5/{TEST_COUNT}")
print("# Testing exception unpack_path->patch(max_size+1)->[pack]->repack_path.")
# Patch unpack files with 1 byte in a new used block in the first file
patch_unpackedfiles_in_folder(unpack_path, True)
# repack unpack_path repack_path
for folder_path in unpack_path.glob("*"):
afs = Afs()
afs.pack(folder_path, repack_path / Path(folder_path.stem).with_suffix('.afs'))
raise Exception(f"Error - Invalid file len check. Must raise an exception.")
except AfsInvalidFileLenError:
print(f"Correct AfsInvalidFileLenError - {folder_path}")
print(f"# TEST 6/{TEST_COUNT}")
print("# Comparing [unpack_path]->patch(blocks - 1)->pack->unpack->[unpack2_path].")
# Patch unpack files with 1 block less
for file_path in unpack_path.glob("*/root/*"):
patch_all_bytes(file_path, file_path.stat().st_size - Afs.ALIGN)
print("# Cleaning test folders.")
# Remove tests folders
end = time()
print(f"# All tests are OK - elapsed time : {end - start}")
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