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synced 2025-02-22 17:54:17 +01:00
Update gcmtool.py
Added commands: * -ur: unpack & rebuild * -rp rebuild & pack Added --disable-ignore for multiple dol sharing the same space in the GCM/iso (Metroid Prime). Added stats on collisions for files that are sharing the sames places in the iso instead of a raising BadAlignError.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from pathlib import Path
import logging
__version__ = "0.1.2"
__version__ = "0.1.3"
__author__ = "rigodron, algoflash, GGLinnk"
__license__ = "MIT"
__status__ = "developpement"
@ -27,20 +27,19 @@ class InvalidFSTFileSizeError(Exception): pass
class FSTDirNotFoundError(Exception): pass
# raised during pack when FST file name is not found in the root folder; this happen when a file is renamed or removed
class FSTFileNotFoundError(Exception): pass
# raised during the stats command when align make file offsets collisions (this happen when given align > real files align); or when using an invalid align
# raised when using an invalid align
class BadAlignError(Exception): pass
def align_offset(offset:int, align:int):
def align_top(address:int, align:int):
Give the upper rounded offset aligned using the align value.
input: offset = int
Give the upper rounded address aligned using the align value.
input: address = int
input: align = int
return offset = int
return address = int
if offset % align != 0:
offset += align - (offset % align)
return offset
if address % align == 0: return address
return address + align - (address % align)
class Fst:
@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ class FstTree(Fst):
return fst_length = int
return align_offset(self.__count_childs(self.__root_node)*12 + 12 + self.__nameblock_length, self.__align)
return align_top(self.__count_childs(self.__root_node)*12 + 12 + self.__nameblock_length, self.__align)
def __generate_nameblock_length(self, node:Node = None):
Recursive walk into the tree to get total name_block length.
@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ class FstTree(Fst):
self.__fst_block += node.format()
self.__current_file_offset = align_offset(self.__current_file_offset + node.size(), self.__align)
self.__current_file_offset = align_top(self.__current_file_offset + node.size(), self.__align)
def __count_childs(self, node:Folder):
Recursivly count total childs of a Node. It is usefull for getting next_dir id.
@ -314,9 +313,7 @@ class BootBin:
class Dol:
Dol is used to find the dol size and group data adding meaning to hex values and allowing to get it's size.
"Dol is used to find the dol size and group data adding meaning to hex values and allowing to get it's size."
HEADER_LEN = 0x100
def get_dol_len(self, dolheader_data:bytes):
@ -353,7 +350,7 @@ class Gcm:
return min_offset
def unpack(self, iso_path:Path, folder_path:Path):
unpack takes an GCM/iso and unpack it in a folder.
Unpack takes an GCM/iso file and unpack it in a folder.
input: iso_path = Path
input: folder_path = Path
@ -444,9 +441,9 @@ class Gcm:
(currentdir_path / name).write_bytes( iso_file.read(filesize) )
logging.debug(f"{iso_path}(0x{fileoffset:x}:0x{fileoffset + filesize:x}) -> {currentdir_path / name}")
def pack(self, folder_path:Path, iso_path:Path = None):
def pack(self, folder_path:Path, iso_path:Path = None, disable_ignore:bool = False):
pack takes a folder unpacked by the pack command and pack it in a GCM/iso file.
Pack takes a folder unpacked by the pack command and pack it in a GCM/iso file.
input: folder_path = Path
input: iso_path = Path
@ -479,7 +476,7 @@ class Gcm:
dol_offset = bootbin.dol_offset()
dol_end_offset = dol_offset + (sys_path / 'boot.dol').stat().st_size
# FST can be before the dol or after
if dol_offset < fstbin_offset < dol_end_offset or (fstbin_offset < dol_offset and dol_end_offset > self.__get_min_file_offset(fstbin_data)):
if not disable_ignore and (dol_offset < fstbin_offset < dol_end_offset or (fstbin_offset < dol_offset and dol_end_offset > self.__get_min_file_offset(fstbin_data))):
raise DolSizeOverflowError("Error - The dol size has been increased and overflow on next file or on FST. To solve this use --rebuild-fst.")
logging.debug(f"{sys_path / 'boot.dol'} -> {iso_path}(0x{dol_offset:x}:0x{dol_end_offset:x})")
iso_file.seek( dol_offset )
@ -548,12 +545,12 @@ class Gcm:
root_path = folder_path / "root"
sys_path = folder_path / "sys"
dol_offset = align_offset(Gcm.APPLOADER_OFFSET + (sys_path / "apploader.img").stat().st_size, align)
dol_offset = align_top(Gcm.APPLOADER_OFFSET + (sys_path / "apploader.img").stat().st_size, align)
logging.info(f"Patching {Path('sys/boot.bin')} offset 0x{BootBin.DOLOFFSET_OFFSET:x} with new dol offset (0x{dol_offset:x})")
bootbin = BootBin((sys_path / "boot.bin").read_bytes())
fst_offset = align_offset(dol_offset + (sys_path / "boot.dol").stat().st_size, align)
fst_offset = align_top(dol_offset + (sys_path / "boot.dol").stat().st_size, align)
logging.info(f"Patching {Path('sys/boot.bin')} offset 0x{BootBin.FSTOFFSET_OFFSET:x} with new FST offset (0x{fst_offset:x})")
@ -619,13 +616,21 @@ class Gcm:
(bootbin, apploader_size, dol_len, fstbin_data) = self.__get_sys_from_folder(path) if path.is_dir() else self.__get_sys_from_file(path)
# Begin offset - end offset - length - name
mapping_lists = [
[0, BootBin.LEN, f"{BootBin.LEN:08x}", "boot.bin"],
[0x440, Gcm.APPLOADER_OFFSET, f"{Gcm.BI2BIN_LEN:08x}", "bi2.bin"],
[Gcm.APPLOADER_OFFSET, Gcm.APPLOADER_OFFSET + apploader_size, f"{apploader_size:08x}", "apploader.img"],
[bootbin.fstbin_offset(), bootbin.fstbin_offset() + bootbin.fstbin_len(), f"{bootbin.fstbin_len():08x}", "fst.bin"],
[bootbin.dol_offset(), bootbin.dol_offset() + dol_len, f"{dol_len:08x}", "boot.dol"]]
class MemoryObject:
def __init__(self, name:str, beg_offset:int, length:int):
self.name = name
self.beg_offset = beg_offset
self.length = length
self.end_offset = beg_offset + length
def __str__(self):
return f"| {self.beg_offset:08x} | {self.end_offset:08x} | {self.length:08x} | {self.name}"
mem_obj_list = [
MemoryObject("boot.bin", 0, BootBin.LEN),
MemoryObject("bi2.bin", 0x440, Gcm.BI2BIN_LEN),
MemoryObject("apploader.img", Gcm.APPLOADER_OFFSET, apploader_size),
MemoryObject("fst.bin", bootbin.fstbin_offset(), bootbin.fstbin_len()),
MemoryObject("boot.dol", bootbin.dol_offset(), dol_len)]
dir_id_path = {0: Path(".")}
currentdir_path = Path(".")
@ -656,34 +661,55 @@ class Gcm:
fileoffset = int.from_bytes(fstbin_data[i+4:i+8], "big", signed=False)
filesize = int.from_bytes(fstbin_data[i+8:i+12], "big", signed=False)
mapping_lists.append( [fileoffset, fileoffset + filesize, f"{filesize:08x}", str(currentdir_path / name)] )
mem_obj_list.append( MemoryObject(str(currentdir_path / name), fileoffset, filesize) )
mapping_lists.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
empty_space_tuples = []
last_offset = 0
for i in range(len(mapping_lists)):
if last_offset < mapping_lists[i][0]:
empty_space_tuples.append( (f"{last_offset:08x}", f"{mapping_lists[i][0]:08x}", f"{mapping_lists[i][0] - last_offset:08x}", "") )
elif last_offset > mapping_lists[i][0]:
raise BadAlignError(f"Error - Bad align ({align})! Offsets collision.")
last_offset = align_offset(mapping_lists[i][1], align)
mapping_lists[i][0] = f"{mapping_lists[i][0]:08x}"
mapping_lists[i][1] = f"{mapping_lists[i][1]:08x}"
mem_obj_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.beg_offset)
empty_space_list = []
collision_list = []
last_mem_obj = mem_obj_list[2]
for mem_obj in mem_obj_list[3:]:
last_aligned = align_top(last_mem_obj.end_offset, align)
if last_aligned < mem_obj.beg_offset:
empty_space_list.append( MemoryObject("", last_aligned, mem_obj.beg_offset - last_aligned) )
elif last_aligned > mem_obj.beg_offset:
collision_list += [last_mem_obj, mem_obj]
last_mem_obj = mem_obj
print(f"# Stats for \"{path}\":")
self.__print("Global memory mapping:", mapping_lists)
self.__print(f"Empty spaces (align={align}):", empty_space_tuples)
def __print(self, title:str, lines_tuples):
self.__print("Global memory mapping:", mem_obj_list)
if empty_space_list:
self.__print(f"Empty spaces (align={align}):", empty_space_list)
if collision_list:
self.__print(f"Collisions (align={align}):", collision_list)
def __print(self, title:str, mem_obj_list):
Print a table with a title.
* input: title = str
* input: lines_tuples = [(b_offset:str, e_offset:str, length:str, Name:str), ...]
* input: mem_obj_list = [MemoryObject, ...]
stats_buffer = "#"*70+f"\n# {title}\n"+"#"*70+"\n| b offset | e offset | length | Name\n|"+"-"*69+"\n"
for line in lines_tuples:
stats_buffer += "| "+" | ".join(line)+"\n"
print(stats_buffer, end='')
full_title = "#"*70+f"\n# {title}\n"+"#"*70+"\n| b offset | e offset | length | Name\n|"+"-"*69+"\n"
print(full_title + "\n".join([str(mem_obj) for mem_obj in mem_obj_list]))
def pack(p_input:Path, p_output:Path, disable_ignore):
logging.info("### Pack in new GCM iso")
if(p_output == Path(".")):
p_output = Path(p_input.with_suffix(".iso"))
logging.info(f"packing folder \"{p_input}\" in \"{p_output}\"")
gcm.pack(p_input, p_output, disable_ignore)
def unpack(p_input:Path, p_output:Path):
logging.info("### Unpack GCM iso in new folder")
gcm.unpack(p_input, p_output)
def rebuild_fst(p_input:Path, align):
logging.info("### Rebuilding FST and patching boot.bin")
if args.align < 1:
raise BadAlignError("Error - Align must be > 0.")
logging.info(f"Using alignment: {args.align}")
gcm.rebuild_fst(p_input, align)
def get_argparser():
@ -692,14 +718,17 @@ def get_argparser():
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose mode')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--align', type=int, help='-a=10: alignment of files in the GCM ISO (default value is 4)', default=4)
parser.add_argument('-di', '--disable-ignore', action='store_true', help='-di: disable dol collisions verification when packing files sharing the same place in the GCM.')
parser.add_argument('input_path', metavar='INPUT', help='')
parser.add_argument('output_path', metavar='OUTPUT', help='', nargs='?', default="")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('-p', '--pack', action='store_true', help="-p source_folder (dest_file.iso): Pack source_folder in new file source_folder.iso or dest_file.iso if specified")
group.add_argument('-u', '--unpack', action='store_true', help="-u source_iso.iso (dest_folder): Unpack the GCM/ISO in new folder source_iso or dest_folder if specified")
group.add_argument('-p', '--pack', action='store_true', help="-p source_folder (dest_file.iso): Pack source_folder in new file source_folder.iso or dest_file.iso if specified.")
group.add_argument('-u', '--unpack', action='store_true', help="-u source_iso.iso (dest_folder): Unpack the GCM/ISO in new folder source_iso or dest_folder if specified.")
group.add_argument('-s', '--stats', action='store_true', help="-s source_iso.iso or source_folder: Get stats about GCM, FST, memory, lengths and offsets.")
group.add_argument('-r', '--rebuild-fst', action='store_true', help="-r game_folder: Rebuild the game_folder/sys/fst.bin using files in game_folder/root")
group.add_argument('-r', '--rebuild-fst', action='store_true', help="-r game_folder: Rebuild the game_folder/sys/fst.bin using files in game_folder/root.")
group.add_argument('-ur', '--unpack-rebuild-fst', action='store_true', help="-ur source_iso.iso (dest_folder): Unpack and rebuild the FST.")
group.add_argument('-rp', '--rebuild-fst-pack', action='store_true', help="-rp source_folder (dest_file.iso): Rebuild the FST and pack.")
return parser
@ -715,19 +744,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if args.pack:
logging.info("### Pack in new GCM iso")
if(p_output == Path(".")):
p_output = Path(p_input.with_suffix(".iso"))
logging.info(f"packing folder \"{p_input}\" in \"{p_output}\"")
gcm.pack(p_input, p_output)
pack(p_input, p_output, args.disable_ignore)
elif args.unpack:
logging.info("### Unpack GCM iso in new folder")
gcm.unpack(p_input, p_output)
unpack(p_input, p_output)
elif args.stats:
elif args.rebuild_fst:
logging.info("### Rebuilding FST and patching boot.bin")
if args.align < 1:
raise BadAlignError("Error - Align must be > 0.")
logging.info(f"Using alignment: {args.align}")
gcm.rebuild_fst(p_input, args.align)
rebuild_fst(p_input, args.align)
elif args.rebuild_fst_pack:
rebuild_fst(p_input, args.align)
pack(p_input, p_output, args.disable_ignore)
elif args.unpack_rebuild_fst:
unpack(p_input, p_output)
rebuild_fst(p_output, args.align)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user