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synced 2025-02-23 20:44:17 +01:00
Update pzztool.py
gestion de la compression auto dans unpzz pzz unpack et pack sont sans compression à cause des temps de décompression très long en batch batch compress / batch decompress fix -> on copy les fichiers décompressés dans le dossier de dest pour bien avoir un dossier avec l'ensemble des fichiers pzz gestion extension ".pzzp" disable-ignore bug fix pleins d'autres choses et fix de bugs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from math import ceil
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from struct import unpack
from os import listdir
import logging
__version__ = "1.3.11"
__version__ = "1.4.0"
__author__ = "rigodron, algoflash, GGLinnk"
__OriginalAutor__ = "infval"
__license__ = "MIT"
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ def bytes_align(bout: bytes):
def pzz_compress(b):
def pzz_compress(b: bytes):
bout = bytearray()
size_b = len(b) // 2 * 2
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ def pzz_compress(b):
return bout
def pzz_unpack(pzz_path, dest_folder):
def pzz_unpack(pzz_path: Path, dest_folder: Path, auto_decompress: bool = False):
if pzz_path.suffix != ".pzz":
logging.warning(f"Invalid file format '{pzz_path.suffix}'; it should be .pzz file format")
@ -153,7 +154,10 @@ def pzz_unpack(pzz_path, dest_folder):
unpacked_pzz_path = pzz_path.parent / pzz_path.stem
logging.info(f" unpacking {pzz_path} in folder {unpacked_pzz_path}")
logging.info(f" unpzz({pzz_path}) in folder {unpacked_pzz_path}")
logging.info(f" unpacking {pzz_path} in folder {unpacked_pzz_path}")
with open(pzz_path, "rb") as pzz_file:
@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ def pzz_unpack(pzz_path, dest_folder):
is_compressed = (file_descriptor & BIT_COMPRESSION_FLAG) != 0
if not is_compressed: # Si le fichier n'est pas compressé, on ajoute 'U' derrière l'index
compression_status = 'U'
else: # Si le fichier est compressé, on ajoute "_compressed" devant l'extension et 'C' derrière l'index
else: # Si le fichier est compressé on ajoute 'C' derrière l'index et l'extension ".pzzp"
compression_status = 'C'
# file_descriptor reçoit maintenant les 30 premiers bits : (la taille / CHUNK_SIZE)
@ -187,9 +191,12 @@ def pzz_unpack(pzz_path, dest_folder):
# On forme le nom du nouveau fichier que l'on va extraire
filename = f"{index:03}{compression_status}_{pzz_path.stem}"
file_path = (unpacked_pzz_path / filename).with_suffix(".dat")
if auto_decompress or compression_status == 'U':
file_path = (unpacked_pzz_path / filename).with_suffix(".dat")
file_path = (unpacked_pzz_path / filename).with_suffix(".pzzp")
logging.debug(f" -> Offset: {offset:010} - {file_path.stem}")
logging.debug(f" -> Offset: {offset:010} - {file_path}")
# Si la taille est nulle, on créé un fichier vide et on passe au descripteur de fichier suivant
if file_len == 0:
@ -199,7 +206,7 @@ def pzz_unpack(pzz_path, dest_folder):
# On se positionne au début du fichier dans l'archive
# On extrait notre fichier et on le décompresse
if compression_status == 'C':
if compression_status == 'C' and auto_decompress:
@ -209,23 +216,25 @@ def pzz_unpack(pzz_path, dest_folder):
offset += file_len
def pzz_pack(src_path, dest_file):
def pzz_pack(src_path: Path, dest_file: Path, auto_compress: bool = False):
if dest_file == Path('.'):
dest_file = src_path.with_suffix(".pzz")
if dest_file.suffix != ".pzz":
logging.warning("Invalid file format : dest must be a pzz")
# On récupère les fichiers du dossier à compresser
src_files = listdir(src_path)
# On récupère le nombre total de fichiers
file_count = len(src_files)
if dest_file != Path('.'):
if dest_file.suffix != ".pzz":
raise("Invalid file format : dest must be a pzz")
pzz_path = dest_file
if auto_compress:
logging.info(f" pzz({src_path}) in pzz {dest_file}")
pzz_path = src_path.with_suffix(".pzz")
logging.info(f" packing {src_path} in pzz {pzz_path}")
logging.info(f" packing {src_path} in pzz {dest_file}")
logging.debug(f" -> {file_count} files to pack")
with pzz_path.open("wb") as pzz_file:
with dest_file.open("wb") as pzz_file:
# On écrit file_count au début de header
pzz_file.write(file_count.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big'))
@ -235,24 +244,23 @@ def pzz_pack(src_path, dest_file):
file_descriptors = []
# On écrit tous les fichiers à la suite du header
for src_file_name in src_files:
is_compressed = "_compressed" in src_file_name
is_compressed = Path(src_file_name).suffix == ".pzzp"
compression_status = src_file_name[3:4]
with (src_path / src_file_name).open("rb") as src_file:
src_file = src_file.read()
# Le fichier doit être compressé avant d'être pack
if compression_status == 'C' and not is_compressed:
if compression_status == 'C' and not is_compressed and auto_compress:
src_file = pzz_compress(src_file)
# Le fichier doit être décompressé avant d'être pack
elif compression_status == 'U' and is_compressed:
elif compression_status == 'U' and is_compressed and auto_compress:
src_file = pzz_decompress(src_file) # padding à gérer
# on ajoute le padding pour correspondre à un multiple de CHUNK_SIZE
if compression_status == 'U':
if (len(src_file) % CHUNK_SIZE) > 0:
src_file.extend(b"\x00" * (CHUNK_SIZE - (len(src_file) % CHUNK_SIZE)))
# file_descriptor = arrondi supérieur de la taille / CHUNK_SIZE
file_descriptor = ceil(len(src_file) / CHUNK_SIZE)
@ -272,24 +280,36 @@ def pzz_pack(src_path, dest_file):
def unpzz(src_path: Path, dest_file: Path):
pzz_unpack(src_path, dest_file, auto_decompress = True)
def pzz(src_path: Path, dest_file: Path):
pzz_pack(src_path, dest_file, auto_compress = True)
def get_argparser():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PZZ (de)compressor & unpacker - [GameCube] Gotcha Force v' + __version__)
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose mode')
parser.add_argument('-di', '--disable-ignore', action='store_true', help="Disable .pzzp or .pzz file extension verification.")
parser.add_argument('input_path', metavar='INPUT', help='')
parser.add_argument('output_path', metavar='OUTPUT', help='', nargs='?', default="")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('-p', '--pack', action='store_true', help="-p source_folder dest_file.pzz(optionnal) : Pack source_folder in new file source_folder.pzz")
group.add_argument('-u', '--unpack', action='store_true', help='-u source_folder.pzz dest_folder(optionnal) : Unpack the pzz in new folder source_folder')
group.add_argument('-bp', '--batch-pack', action='store_true', help='-bp source_folder dest_folder(optionnal - if not specified it will pack in source_folder)')
group.add_argument('-bu', '--batch-unpack', action='store_true', help='-bu source_folder dest_folder(optionnal - if not specified it will unpack in source_folder)')
group.add_argument('-c', '--compress', action='store_true', help='')
group.add_argument('-d', '--decompress', action='store_true', help='Unpacked files from PZZ')
group.add_argument('-bc', '--batch-compress', action='store_true', help='INPUT relative pattern; e.g. AFS_DATA\\*.bin')
group.add_argument('-bd', '--batch-decompress', action='store_true', help='INPUT relative pattern; e.g. AFS_DATA\\*_compressed.dat')
group.add_argument('-di', '--disable-ignore', action='store_true', help="Disable filename ignore")
group.add_argument('-pzz', '--pzz', action='store_true', help="-pzz source_folder (dest_file.pzz) : pzz source_folder in new file source_folder.pzz or dest_file if specified")
group.add_argument('-unpzz', '--unpzz', action='store_true', help="-unpzz source_folder.pzz (dest_folder) : unpzz the pzz in new folder source_folder or dest_folder if specified")
group.add_argument('-bpzz', '--batch-pzz', action='store_true', help='-bpzz source_folder (dest_folder) : Batch pzz (auto compress) all pzz_folder from source_folder into source_folder or dest_folder if specified')
group.add_argument('-bunpzz', '--batch-unpzz', action='store_true', help='-bunpzz source_folder (dest_folder) : Batch unpzz (auto decompress) all pzz from source_folder into source_folder or dest_folder if specified')
group.add_argument('-p', '--pack', action='store_true', help="-p source_folder (dest_file.pzz) : Pack source_folder in new file source_folder.pzz or dest_file if specified")
group.add_argument('-u', '--unpack', action='store_true', help='-u source_folder.pzz (dest_folder) : Unpack the pzz in new folder source_folder or dest_folder if specified')
group.add_argument('-bp', '--batch-pack', action='store_true', help='-bp source_folder (dest_folder) : Batch pack all pzz_folder from source_folder into source_folder or dest_folder if specified')
group.add_argument('-bu', '--batch-unpack', action='store_true', help='-bu source_folder (dest_folder) : Batch unpack all pzz from source_folder into source_folder or dest_folder if specified')
group.add_argument('-c', '--compress', action='store_true', help='-c source_file (dest_file) : compress source_file in source_file.pzzp or dest_file if specified')
group.add_argument('-d', '--decompress', action='store_true', help='-d source_file.pzzp (dest_file) : decompress source_file.pzzp in source_file or dest_file if specified')
group.add_argument('-bc', '--batch-compress', action='store_true', help='-bc source_folder dest_folder : compress all files from source_folder into dest_folder')
group.add_argument('-bd', '--batch-decompress', action='store_true', help='-bd source_folder dest_folder : decompress all files from source_folder into dest_folder')
return parser
@ -305,51 +325,94 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if args.compress:
logging.info("### Compress")
if(p_output == Path(".")):
p_output = Path(p_input.with_suffix(".pzzp"))
# Si on a pas la bonne extension on ne compresse pas le fichier
if not args.disable_ignore and p_output.suffix != ".pzzp":
logging.warning(f"Ignored - {p_output} - bad extension - must be a pzzp")
logging.info(f"Compressing {p_input} in {p_output}")
elif args.decompress:
logging.info("### Decompress")
if(p_output == Path(".")):
p_output = p_input.parent / (p_input.stem+".dat")
# Si on a pas la bonne extension on ne decompresse pas le fichier
if not args.disable_ignore and p_input.suffix != ".pzzp":
logging.warning(f"Ignored - {p_input} - bad extension - must be a pzzp")
logging.info(f"Decompressing {p_input} in {p_output}")
elif args.batch_compress:
logging.info("### Batch Compress")
for filename in listdir(p_input):
if (not args.disable_ignore) and not ("_compressed" in filename):
logging.debug(f"Compressing {filename}")
recomp_filename = f"{Path(filename).stem}_compressed{Path(filename).suffix}"
# Si on a pas la bonne extension on ne compresse pas le fichier
if not args.disable_ignore and Path(filename).suffix == ".pzzp":
logging.warning(f"Ignored - {filename} - bad extension - musn't be a pzzp")
shutil.copy(p_input / filename, p_output / filename)
with open(p_input / filename, 'rb') as uncompressed, open(p_output / filename, 'wb') as recompressed:
logging.info(f"Ignored: {filename}")
logging.info(f"Compressing {filename}")
with open(p_input / filename, 'rb') as uncompressed, open(p_output / (Path(filename).stem + ".pzzp"), 'wb') as recompressed:
elif args.batch_decompress:
logging.info("### Batch Decompress")
for filename in listdir(p_input):
if (not args.disable_ignore) and ("_compressed" in filename):
logging.info(f"Decompressing {filename}")
uncomp_filename = filename.replace("_compressed", "")
if not args.disable_ignore and Path(filename).suffix != ".pzzp":
logging.warning(f"Ignored - {filename} - bad extension - must be a pzzp")
shutil.copy(p_input / filename, p_output / filename)
with open(p_output / uncomp_filename, 'wb') as uncompressed, open(p_input / filename, 'rb') as compressed:
logging.info(f"Ignored: {filename}")
logging.info(f"Decompressing {filename}")
with open(p_output / (Path(filename).stem+".dat"), 'wb') as uncompressed, open(p_input / filename, 'rb') as compressed:
elif args.pack:
logging.info("### Pack")
pzz_pack(p_input, p_output)
elif args.unpack:
logging.info("### Unpack")
pzz_unpack(p_input, p_output)
elif args.pzz:
logging.info("### PZZ")
pzz(p_input, p_output)
elif args.unpzz:
logging.info("### UNPZZ")
unpzz(p_input, p_output)
elif args.batch_pack:
logging.info("### Batch Pack")
if(p_output == Path('.')):
p_output = p_input
for folder in listdir(p_input):
pzz_pack(p_input / folder, p_output / Path(folder).with_suffix(".pzz"))
elif args.batch_unpack:
logging.info("### Batch Unpack")
if(p_output == Path('.')):
p_output = p_input
for filename in listdir(p_input):
pzz_unpack(p_input / filename, p_output / Path(filename).stem)
elif args.batch_pzz:
logging.info("### Batch PZZ")
if(p_output == Path('.')):
p_output = p_input
for folder in listdir(p_input):
pzz(p_input / folder, p_output / Path(folder).with_suffix(".pzz"))
elif args.batch_unpzz:
logging.info("### Batch UNPZZ")
if(p_output == Path('.')):
p_output = p_input
for filename in listdir(p_input):
unpzz(p_input / filename, p_output / Path(filename).stem)
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