tmpz23 245aef8b5a
FD paths with folders handling.
Fixed paths with folders handling and restricted unpack in root folder.
2022-08-19 16:06:06 +02:00

831 lines
45 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from configparser import ConfigParser
from datetime import datetime
import logging
from math import ceil
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import time
__version__ = "0.2.0"
__author__ = "rigodron, algoflash, GGLinnk"
__license__ = "MIT"
__status__ = "developpement"
# Creating was a challenge because there is many implementations
# and configurations possible. In one hand allowing to configure the rebuild
# was usefull but in another it was also important to control errors generated
# by those conf files. Using custom exceptions was necessary.
# Not tested by
class AfsInvalidFileLenError(Exception): pass
class AfsEmptyAfsError(Exception): pass
class AfsInvalidFilenameDirectoryLengthError(Exception): pass
class AfsInvalidAfsFolderError(Exception): pass
# Tested by
class AfsInvalidMagicNumberError(Exception): pass
class AfsInvalidFilesRebuildStrategy(Exception): pass
class AfsFilenameDirectoryValueError(Exception): pass
class AfsInvalidFilePathError(Exception): pass
class AfsInvalidFieldsCountError(Exception): pass
class AfsIndexValueError(Exception): pass
class AfsIndexOverflowError(Exception): pass
class AfsIndexCollisionError(Exception): pass
class AfsOffsetValueError(Exception): pass
class AfsOffsetAlignError(Exception): pass
class AfsOffsetCollisionError(Exception): pass
class AfsFdOffsetOffsetValueError(Exception): pass
class AfsFdOffsetValueError(Exception): pass
class AfsFdLastAttributeTypeValueError(Exception): pass
class AfsFdOffsetCollisionError(Exception): pass
class AfsEmptyBlockValueError(Exception): pass
class AfsEmptyBlockAlignError(Exception): pass
def normalize_parent(path_str:str):
"Normalize the parent of a path to avoid out of extract folder access."
if Path(path_str).parent == Path("."): return path_str
parent_str = str(Path(path_str).parent).replace(".", "")
while parent_str[0] == "/" or parent_str[0] == "\\":
parent_str = parent_str[1:]
return parent_str + "/" + Path(path_str).name
class FilenameResolver:
Constructor: system path of the unpack folder
Use sys/filename_resolver.csv to resolve filename to their index
in the TOC. Allow also to rename files since the FD and the TOC
are not rebuild during pack.
The resolver is necessary in multiple cases:
* When multiple packed files have the same name in the FD
* When there is no FD
* When names contains invalid path operator (not implemented yet)
__sys_path = None
# names_dict: {unpacked_filename: toc_index, ... }
__names_dict = None
__resolve_buffer = ""
__separator = '?'
def __init__(self, sys_path:Path):
self.__sys_path = sys_path
self.__names_dict = {}
def __load(self):
"Load names_dict if there is a csv"
if (self.__sys_path / "filename_resolver.csv").is_file():
self.__resolve_buffer = (self.__sys_path / "filename_resolver.csv").read_text()
for line in self.__resolve_buffer.split('\n'):
name_tuple = line.split(self.__separator)
self.__names_dict[name_tuple[1]] = int(name_tuple[0])
def save(self):
"Save the resolve_buffer containing formated names_dict to the csv if not empty"
if len(self.__resolve_buffer) > 0:"Writting {Path('sys/filename_resolver.csv')}")
(self.__sys_path / "filename_resolver.csv").write_text(self.__resolve_buffer[:-1])
def resolve_new(self, file_index:int, filename:str):
Resolve generate a unique filename when unpacking
input: file_index = int
input: filename = string
return the filename or new generated filename if duplicated
normalized_str = normalize_parent(filename)
if filename != normalized_str:
filename = normalized_str
if filename not in self.__names_dict:
self.__names_dict[filename] = file_index
self.__resolve_buffer += f"{file_index}{self.__separator}{filename}\n"
return filename
if filename in self.__names_dict:
i = 1
new_filename = f"{Path(filename).parent / Path(filename).stem} ({i}){Path(filename).suffix}"
while new_filename in self.__names_dict:
new_filename = f"{Path(filename).parent / Path(filename).stem} ({i}){Path(filename).suffix}"
self.__names_dict[new_filename] = file_index
self.__resolve_buffer += f"{file_index}{self.__separator}{new_filename}\n"
return new_filename
self.__names_dict[filename] = file_index
return filename
def add(self, file_index:int, unpacked_filename:str):
"Add new entry forcing the unpacked_filename"
self.__names_dict[unpacked_filename] = file_index
self.__resolve_buffer += f"{file_index}{self.__separator}{unpacked_filename}\n"
def resolve_from_index(self, file_index:int, filename:str):
input: file_index = int
input: filename = str
return previously generated filename using the index of the file in the TOC
else return filename
for filename_key, fileindex_value in self.__names_dict.items():
if fileindex_value == file_index:
return filename_key
return filename
class Afs:
DESCRIPTION Afs handle all operations needed by the command parser
MAGIC_00 = b"AFS\x00"
MAGIC_20 = b"AFS\x20"
# The header and each files are aligned to 0x800
ALIGN = 0x800
# magic number and number of files
# Each entry in the FD have 32 chars for filename and the rest for date and last_fd_attribute
__file_count = None
# this offset is at the end of the TOC and sometimes there is pad
__filenamedirectory_offset_offset = None
# if there is a FD at the end of the AFS
__filenamedirectory_offset = None
__filenamedirectory_len = None
__filenamedirectory = None
__tableofcontent = None
def __get_magic(self):
return bytes(self.__tableofcontent[0:4])
def __get_file_count(self):
return int.from_bytes(self.__tableofcontent[4:8], "little")
def __get_filenamedirectory_offset(self):
return int.from_bytes(self.__tableofcontent[self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset:self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset+4], "little")
def __get_filenamedirectory_len(self):
return int.from_bytes(self.__tableofcontent[self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset+4:self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset+8], "little")
def __get_file_offset(self, fileindex:int):
return int.from_bytes(self.__tableofcontent[Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8:Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8+4], "little")
def __get_file_len(self, fileindex:int):
return int.from_bytes(self.__tableofcontent[Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8+4:Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8+8], "little")
def __get_file_name(self, fileindex:int):
return self.__filenamedirectory[fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN:fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+32].split(b"\x00")[0].decode("utf-8")
def __get_file_fdlast(self, fileindex:int):
return int.from_bytes(self.__filenamedirectory[fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+44:fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+48], "little")
def __get_file_mtime(self, fileindex:int):
mtime_data = self.__filenamedirectory[fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+32:fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+44]
year = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[0:2], "little")
month = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[2:4], "little")
day = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[4:6], "little")
hour = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[6:8], "little")
minute = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[8:10], "little")
second = int.from_bytes(mtime_data[10:12], "little")
return time.mktime(datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second).timetuple())
def __patch_file_len(self, fileindex:int, file_len:int): # Patch file_len in the TOC
self.__tableofcontent[Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8+4:Afs.HEADER_LEN+fileindex*8+8] = file_len.to_bytes(4, "little")
def __patch_file_mtime(self, fileindex:int, mtime):
mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime)
self.__filenamedirectory[Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN*fileindex+32:Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN*fileindex+44] = \
mtime.year.to_bytes(2,"little")+ \
mtime.month.to_bytes(2,"little")+ \,"little")+ \
mtime.hour.to_bytes(2,"little")+ \
def __patch_fdlasts(self, fileindex:int, fd_last_attribute_type):
"Patch FD last attributes according to the type"
if type(fd_last_attribute_type) == int: # every entry has the same const value
self.__filenamedirectory[fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+44:fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+48] = fd_last_attribute_type.to_bytes(4, "little")
elif fd_last_attribute_type == "length": #
self.__filenamedirectory[fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+44:fileindex*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+48] = self.__get_file_len(fileindex).to_bytes(4, "little")
elif fd_last_attribute_type == "offset-length":
# every odd index is changed according to the TOC lengths values with the serie: 0->updated_index=1 1->updated_index=3 2->updated_index=5
# updated_index = index*2+1 with index*2+1 < self.__file_count
updated_fdlast_index = fileindex*2+1
if updated_fdlast_index < self.__file_count:
self.__filenamedirectory[updated_fdlast_index*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+44:updated_fdlast_index*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+48] = self.__get_file_len(fileindex).to_bytes(4, "little")
# fd_last_attribute_type == unknown
def __pad(self, data:bytes):
"Add padding to align datas to next block"
if len(data) % Afs.ALIGN != 0:
data += b"\x00" * (Afs.ALIGN - (len(data) % Afs.ALIGN))
return data
def __clean_filenamedirectory(self):
We can't know if there is a FD without searching and loading data for it
So we have to clean loaded data if values are invalid
self.__filenamedirectory = None
self.__filenamedirectory_offset = None
self.__filenamedirectory_len = None
def __loadsys_from_afs(self, afs_file, afs_len:int):
Load the TOC and the FD from an AFS file
this operation is difficult because there are many cases possible:
is there or not a FD?
is there padding at the end of files offset/length list in the TOC?
So we have to search and control values and test it for errors
If there is no FD self.__filename_directory is None
return True if there is a FD else None
self.__tableofcontent =
if self.__get_magic() not in [Afs.MAGIC_00, Afs.MAGIC_20]:
raise AfsInvalidMagicNumberError("Error - Invalid AFS magic number.")
self.__file_count = self.__get_file_count()
self.__tableofcontent +=*8)
tableofcontent_len = len(self.__tableofcontent)
offset = tableofcontent_len
# Now we have read the TOC and seeked to the end of it
# next values could be FD offset and length if there is one
# So we read 4 bytes to test if there is padding or not
tmp_block = int.from_bytes(, "little")
if tmp_block != 0:
self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset = offset
self.__filenamedirectory_offset = tmp_block
# Here it could be padding
# If filenamedirectory_offset is not directly after the files offsets and lens
# --> we search the next uint32 != 0
offset += 4
# We read by 0x800 blocks for better performances
block_len = 0x800
tmp_block =
while tmp_block:
match ="^(?:\x00{4})*(?!\x00{4})(.{4})", tmp_block) # match next uint32
if match:
self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset = offset + match.start(1)
self.__filenamedirectory_offset = int.from_bytes(match[1], "little")
offset += block_len
tmp_block =
# This because we retrieve an int valid or not into fd offset
if self.__filenamedirectory_offset is None:
raise AfsEmptyAfsError("Error - Empty AFS.")
self.__filenamedirectory_len = int.from_bytes(, "little")
# Test if offset of filenamedirectory is valid and if number of entries match between filenamedirectory and tableofcontent
if self.__filenamedirectory_offset + self.__filenamedirectory_len > afs_len or \
self.__filenamedirectory_offset < self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset or \
(tableofcontent_len - self.HEADER_LEN) / 8 != self.__filenamedirectory_len / Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN:
return False
self.__filenamedirectory =
# Test if filename is correct by very basic pattern matching
pattern = re.compile(b"^(?=.{32}$)[^\x00]+\x00+$")
for i in range(self.__file_count):
if not pattern.fullmatch(self.__filenamedirectory[i*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN:i*Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN+32]):
return False
# Here FD is valid and we read it's length
self.__tableofcontent += - tableofcontent_len)
return True
def __loadsys_from_folder(self, sys_path:Path):
"Load the TOC and FD from an unpacked afs. This time it's easier"
self.__tableofcontent = bytearray( (sys_path / "tableofcontent.bin").read_bytes() )
self.__file_count = self.__get_file_count()
# If there is a filenamedirectory we load it
if (sys_path / "filenamedirectory.bin").is_file():
self.__filenamedirectory = bytearray((sys_path / "filenamedirectory.bin").read_bytes())
self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset = len(self.__tableofcontent) - 8
self.__filenamedirectory_offset = self.__get_filenamedirectory_offset()
self.__filenamedirectory_len = self.__get_filenamedirectory_len()
if self.__filenamedirectory_len != len(self.__filenamedirectory):
raise AfsInvalidFilenameDirectoryLengthError("Error - Tableofcontent filenamedirectory length does not match real filenamedirectory length.")
def __print(self, title:str, lines_tuples, columns:list = list(range(7)), infos:str = ""):
"Print is used for stats"
stats_buffer = "#"*100+f"\n# {title}\n"+"#"*100+f"\n{infos}|"+"-"*99+"\n"
if 0 in columns: stats_buffer += "| Index ";
if 1 in columns: stats_buffer += "| b offset ";
if 2 in columns: stats_buffer += "| e offset ";
if 3 in columns: stats_buffer += "| length ";
if 4 in columns: stats_buffer += "| YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS ";
if 5 in columns: stats_buffer += "| FD last ";
if 6 in columns: stats_buffer += "| Filename";
stats_buffer += "\n|"+"-"*99+"\n"
for line in lines_tuples:
stats_buffer += line if type(line) == str else "| "+" | ".join(line)+"\n"
print(stats_buffer, end='')
def __get_offsets_map(self):
This method is used to check the next file offset and control if there is overlapping during pack
end offset not included (0,1) -> len=1
return a list of offsets where files and sys files begin
# offsets_map is used to check next used offset when updating files
# we also check if there is intersect between files
offsets_map = [(0, len(self.__tableofcontent))]
for i in range(self.__file_count):
file_offset = self.__get_file_offset(i)
offsets_map.append( (file_offset, file_offset + self.__get_file_len(i)) )
if self.__filenamedirectory:
filenamedirectory_offset = self.__get_filenamedirectory_offset()
offsets_map.append( (filenamedirectory_offset, filenamedirectory_offset + self.__get_filenamedirectory_len()) )
offsets_map.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
# Check if there is problems in file memory mapping
last_tuple = (-1, -1)
for i, offsets_tuple in enumerate(offsets_map):
if offsets_tuple[0] < last_tuple[1]:
raise AfsOffsetCollisionError(f"Error - Multiple files use same file offsets ranges.")
last_tuple = offsets_tuple
offsets_map[i] = offsets_tuple[0]
return offsets_map
def __get_formated_map(self):
This method is used for stats command
end offset not included (0,1) -> len=1
files_map = [("SYS TOC ", "00000000", f"{len(self.__tableofcontent):08x}", f"{len(self.__tableofcontent):08x}", "SYS TOC"+' '*12, "SYS TOC ", "SYS TOC")]
for i in range(self.__file_count):
file_offset = self.__get_file_offset(i)
file_len = self.__get_file_len(i)
file_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.__get_file_mtime(i)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if self.__filenamedirectory else " "*19
filename = self.__get_file_name(i) if self.__filenamedirectory else f"{i:08}"
fdlast = f"{self.__get_file_fdlast(i):08x}" if self.__filenamedirectory else " "*8
files_map.append((f"{i:08x}", f"{file_offset:08x}", f"{file_offset + file_len:08x}", f"{file_len:08x}", file_date, fdlast, filename))
if self.__filenamedirectory:
files_map.append(("SYS FD ", f"{self.__filenamedirectory_offset:08x}", \
f"{self.__filenamedirectory_offset + len(self.__filenamedirectory):08x}", \
f"{len(self.__filenamedirectory):08x}", "SYS FD"+' '*13, "SYS FD ", "SYS FD"))
return files_map
def __get_fdlast_type(self):
At the end of the FD there is 4 bytes used for different purposes
To keep data we search what kind of data it is:
return one of this values:
* length
* offset-length
* 0x123 # (hex constant)
* unknwon
# Try to get the type of FD last attribute
length_type = True
offset_length_type = True
constant_type = self.__get_file_fdlast(0)
for i in range(self.__file_count):
fd_last_attribute = self.__get_file_fdlast(i)
if fd_last_attribute != self.__get_file_len(i):
length_type = None
if fd_last_attribute != self.__tableofcontent[8+i*4:8+i*4+4]:
offset_length_type = None
if fd_last_attribute != constant_type:
constant_type = None
if length_type: return "length"
if offset_length_type: return "offset-length"
if constant_type: return f"0x{constant_type:x}""Unknown FD last attribute type.")
return "unknown"
def __write_rebuild_config(self, sys_path:Path, resolver:FilenameResolver):
At the end of unpack we use this function to write the 2 files:
* "sys/afs_rebuild.conf"
* "sys/afs_rebuild.csv"
this file will contains every parameters of the AFS to allow exact pack copy when possible (fd_last_atribute != unknown)
see documentation for further informations
config = ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) # allow_no_value to allow adding comments
config.optionxform = str # makes options case sensitive
config.set("Default", "# Documentation available here:")
config.set("Default", "AFS_MAGIC", f"0x{self.__get_magic().hex()}")
config.set("Default", "files_rebuild_strategy", "mixed")
config.set("Default", "filename_directory", "True" if self.__filenamedirectory else "False")
if self.__filenamedirectory:
config.set("FilenameDirectory", "toc_offset_of_fd_offset", f"0x{self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset:x}")
config.set("FilenameDirectory", "fd_offset", f"0x{self.__filenamedirectory_offset:x}")
config.set("FilenameDirectory", "fd_last_attribute_type", self.__get_fdlast_type())
config.write((sys_path / "afs_rebuild.conf").open("w"))
rebuild_csv = ""
# generate and save afs_rebuild.csv
for i in range(self.__file_count):
filename = self.__get_file_name(i) if self.__filenamedirectory else f"{i:08}"
unpacked_filename = resolver.resolve_from_index(i, filename) if self.__filenamedirectory else f"{i:08}"
rebuild_csv += f"{unpacked_filename}?0x{i:x}?0x{self.__get_file_offset(i):x}?{filename}\n"
if len(rebuild_csv) > 0:
(sys_path / "afs_rebuild.csv").write_text(rebuild_csv[:-1])
def unpack(self, afs_path:Path, folder_path:Path):
"Method used to unpack an AFS inside a folder"
sys_path = folder_path / "sys"
root_path = folder_path / "root"
resolver = None
with"rb") as afs_file:
if not self.__loadsys_from_afs(afs_file, afs_path.stat().st_size):"There is no filename directory. Creating new names and dates for files.")
logging.debug(f"filenamedirectory_offset:0x{self.__filenamedirectory_offset:x}, filenamedirectory_len:0x{self.__filenamedirectory_len:x}.")"Writting sys/filenamedirectory.bin")
(sys_path / "filenamedirectory.bin").write_bytes(self.__filenamedirectory)
resolver = FilenameResolver(sys_path)"Writting sys/tableofcontent.bin")
(sys_path / "tableofcontent.bin").write_bytes(self.__tableofcontent)"Extracting {self.__file_count} files.")
for i in range(self.__file_count):
file_offset = self.__get_file_offset(i)
file_len = self.__get_file_len(i)
filename = resolver.resolve_new(i, self.__get_file_name(i)) if self.__filenamedirectory else f"{i:08}"
if Path(filename).parent != Path("."):
(root_path / Path(filename).parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
logging.debug(f"Writting {root_path / filename} 0x{file_offset:x}:0x{file_offset + file_len:x}")
(root_path / filename).write_bytes(
if self.__filenamedirectory:
mtime = self.__get_file_mtime(i)
os.utime(root_path / filename, (mtime, mtime))
if self.__filenamedirectory:
self.__write_rebuild_config(sys_path, resolver)
def pack(self, folder_path:Path, afs_path:Path = None):
Methood used to pack un unpacked folder inside a new AFS file
for a file pack will use the next file offset as max file length an raise an exception if the length overflow
pack keep FD and TOC inchanged except for file length, FD dates, fd_last_attribute updates
if afs_path is None:
afs_path = folder_path / Path(".afs")
elif afs_path.suffix != ".afs":
logging.warning("Dest file should have .afs file extension.")
sys_path = folder_path / "sys"
root_path = folder_path / "root"
resolver = FilenameResolver(sys_path)
offsets_map = self.__get_offsets_map()
if self.__filenamedirectory:
fd_last_attribute_type = self.__get_fdlast_type()
if fd_last_attribute_type[:2] == "0x":
fd_last_attribute_type = int(fd_last_attribute_type, 16)
with"wb") as afs_file:
# We update files
for i in range(self.__file_count):
file_offset = self.__get_file_offset(i)
file_len = self.__get_file_len(i)
filename = resolver.resolve_from_index(i, self.__get_file_name(i) if self.__filenamedirectory else f"{i:08}")
file_path = root_path / filename
new_file_len = file_path.stat().st_size
if new_file_len != file_len:
# If no FD, we can raise AFS length without constraint
if offsets_map.index(file_offset) + 1 < len(offsets_map):
next_offset = offsets_map[offsets_map.index(file_offset)+1]
if file_offset + new_file_len > next_offset:
raise AfsInvalidFileLenError(f"File {file_path} as a new file_len giving an end offset (0x{file_offset + new_file_len:x}) > next file offset (0x{next_offset:x}). "\
"This means that we have to rebuild the AFS using -r and changing offset of all next files and this could lead to bugs if the main dol use AFS relative file offsets.")
self.__patch_file_len(i, new_file_len)
if self.__filenamedirectory:
self.__patch_fdlasts(i, fd_last_attribute_type)
# If there is a filenamedirectory we update mtime:
if self.__filenamedirectory:
self.__patch_file_mtime(i, round(file_path.stat().st_mtime))
logging.debug(f"Packing {file_path} 0x{file_offset:x}:0x{file_offset+new_file_len:x} in AFS.")
if self.__filenamedirectory:
logging.debug(f"Packing {sys_path / 'tableofcontent.bin'} at the beginning of the AFS.")
except AfsInvalidFileLenError:
def rebuild(self, folder_path:Path):
Rebuild will use following config files:
* "sys/afs_rebuild.conf"
* "sys/afs_rebuild.csv"
It will rebuild the unpacked AFS sys files (TOC and FD) in the sys folder
config = ConfigParser()
root_path = folder_path / "root"
sys_path = folder_path / "sys" / "afs_rebuild.conf")
if config["Default"]["AFS_MAGIC"] not in ["0x41465300", "0x41465320"]:
raise AfsInvalidMagicNumberError("Error - Invalid [Default] AFS_MAGIC: must be 0x41465300 or 0x41465320.")
if config["Default"]["files_rebuild_strategy"] not in ["index", "offset", "mixed", "auto"]:
raise AfsInvalidFilesRebuildStrategy("Error - Invalid [Default] files_rebuild_strategy: must be index, offset, mixed or auto.")
if config["Default"]["filename_directory"] not in ["True", "False"]:
raise AfsFilenameDirectoryValueError("Error - Invalid [Default] filename_directory: must be True or False.")
for path in [sys_path / "tableofcontent.bin", sys_path / "filenamedirectory.bin", sys_path / "filename_resolver.csv"]:
if path.is_file():"Removing {path}.")
files_paths = [path for path in root_path.glob("**/*") if path.is_file()]
self.__file_count = len(files_paths)
max_offset = None
if config["Default"]["filename_directory"] == "True":
if config["FilenameDirectory"]["toc_offset_of_fd_offset"] != "auto":
if config["FilenameDirectory"]["toc_offset_of_fd_offset"][:2] != "0x" or len(config["FilenameDirectory"]["toc_offset_of_fd_offset"]) < 3:
raise AfsFdOffsetOffsetValueError("Error - Invalid [FilenameDirectory] toc_offset_of_fd_offset: must use hex format 0xabcdef or auto.")
self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset = int(config["FilenameDirectory"]["toc_offset_of_fd_offset"][2:], 16)
self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset = self.__file_count*8 + 8
max_offset = int(ceil((self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset + 8) / Afs.ALIGN)) * Afs.ALIGN # TOC length
self.__filenamedirectory_len = self.__file_count * Afs.FILENAMEDIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN
if config["FilenameDirectory"]["fd_offset"] != "auto":
if config["FilenameDirectory"]["fd_offset"][:2] != "0x" or len(config["FilenameDirectory"]["fd_offset"]) < 3:
raise AfsFdOffsetValueError("Error - Invalid [FilenameDirectory] fd_offset: must use hex format 0xabcdef or auto.")
self.__filenamedirectory_offset = int(config["FilenameDirectory"]["fd_offset"][2:], 16)
if config["FilenameDirectory"]["fd_last_attribute_type"] not in ["length", "offset-length", "unknown"]:
if config["FilenameDirectory"]["fd_last_attribute_type"][0:2] != "0x" or len(config["FilenameDirectory"]["fd_last_attribute_type"]) < 3:
raise AfsFdLastAttributeTypeValueError("Error - Invalid [FilenameDirectory] fd_last_attribute_type: must be length, offset-length, 0xabcdef offset or unknown.")
max_offset = int(ceil((self.__file_count*8 + 8) / Afs.ALIGN)) * Afs.ALIGN # TOC length
self.__tableofcontent = bytearray.fromhex( config["Default"]["AFS_MAGIC"][2:] ) + self.__file_count.to_bytes(4, "little")
files_rebuild_strategy = config["Default"]["files_rebuild_strategy"]
csv_files_lists = []
reserved_indexes = []
empty_blocks_list = []
# We parse the file csv and verify entries retrieving length for files
if (sys_path / "afs_rebuild.csv").is_file():
for line in (sys_path / "afs_rebuild.csv").read_text().split('\n'):
line_splited = line.split('?')
if len(line_splited) == 4:
unpacked_filename = line_splited[0]
index = None
if files_rebuild_strategy in ["index", "mixed"]:
if line_splited[1] != "auto":
index = line_splited[1]
if index[:2] != "0x" or len(index) < 3:
raise AfsIndexValueError(f"Error - Invalid entry index in afs_rebuild.csv: {index} - \"{line}\"")
index = int(index[2:], 16)
if index >= self.__file_count:
raise AfsIndexOverflowError(f"Error - Invalid entry index in afs_rebuild.csv: 0x{index:x} - \"{line}\" - index must be < files_count.")
if index in reserved_indexes:
raise AfsIndexCollisionError("Error - Multiple files using same index: 0x{index:x}")
reserved_indexes.append( index )
file_path = root_path / unpacked_filename
if not file_path.is_file():
raise AfsInvalidFilePathError(f"Error - File {file_path} doesn't exist.")
file_length = file_path.stat().st_size
offset = None
if files_rebuild_strategy in ["offset", "mixed"]:
if line_splited[2] != "auto":
offset = line_splited[2]
if offset[:2] != "0x" or len(offset) < 3:
raise AfsOffsetValueError(f"Error - Invalid entry offset in afs_rebuild.csv: {offset} - \"{line}\"")
offset = int(offset[2:], 16)
if offset % Afs.ALIGN > 0:
raise AfsOffsetAlignError(f"Error - Invalid entry offset in afs_rebuild.csv: 0x{offset:x} - \"{line}\" - offset must be aligned to 0x800.")
csv_files_lists.append( [unpacked_filename, index, offset, line_splited[3], file_length] )
files_paths.remove( root_path / unpacked_filename )
elif len(line_splited) == 2: # empty block
if line_splited[0][:2] != "0x" or line_splited[1][:2] != "0x" or len(line_splited[0]) < 3 or len(line_splited[1]) < 3:
raise AfsEmptyBlockValueError(f"Error - Invalid empty block values: \"{line}\"")
offset = int(line_splited[0][2:], 16)
length = int(line_splited[1][2:], 16)
if offset % Afs.ALIGN > 0 or length % Afs.ALIGN > 0:
raise AfsEmptyBlockAlignError(f"Error - Invalid empty block offset or length in afs_rebuild.csv: \"{line}\" - offset and length must be aligned to 0x800.")
empty_blocks_list.append([None, None, offset, None, length])
raise AfsInvalidFieldsCountError(f"Error - Invalid entry fields count in afs_rebuild.csv: \"{line}\"")
# We generate file memory map with offsets:
# available_space_ranges is then used to put files that have an adapted length
# max_offset is used here to find memory collisions between files and next available space
available_space_ranges = []
tmp_ranges = empty_blocks_list
if files_rebuild_strategy in ["offset", "mixed"]:
tmp_ranges += csv_files_lists
# We have to sort offsets before merging to avoid complex algorithm
# TOC is already present with max_offset
for file_tuple in sorted(tmp_ranges, key=lambda x: (x[2] is not None, x[2])):
offset = file_tuple[2]
if offset is None:
if offset < max_offset:
raise AfsOffsetCollisionError(f"Error - Offsets collision with offset \"0x{offset:x}\".")
elif offset > max_offset:
available_space_ranges.append( [max_offset, offset] )
max_offset = int(ceil((offset + file_tuple[4]) / Afs.ALIGN)) * Afs.ALIGN
for file_path in files_paths:
csv_files_lists.append( [, None, None,, file_path.stat().st_size] )
# sort by filename
csv_files_lists.sort(key=lambda x: x[3])
current_offset = max_offset
# if index==None -> Assign an index not in reserved_indexes
next_index = 0
for i in range(len(csv_files_lists)):
if csv_files_lists[i][1] is None and files_rebuild_strategy in ["index", "mixed"] or files_rebuild_strategy in ["auto", "offset"]:
for j in range(next_index, len(csv_files_lists)):
if j not in reserved_indexes:
next_index = j + 1
csv_files_lists[i][1] = j
# sort by index
csv_files_lists.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
# if offset==None -> Assign an offset in available_space_ranges or at the end of file allocated space
for i in range(len(csv_files_lists)):
if files_rebuild_strategy in ["offset", "mixed"] and csv_files_lists[i][2] is None or files_rebuild_strategy in ["auto", "index"]:
block_len = int(ceil(csv_files_lists[i][4] / Afs.ALIGN)) * Afs.ALIGN
for j in range(len(available_space_ranges)):
available_block_len = int(ceil((available_space_ranges[j][1] - available_space_ranges[j][0]) / Afs.ALIGN)) * Afs.ALIGN
if block_len <= available_block_len:
csv_files_lists[i][2] = available_space_ranges[j][0]
if block_len == available_block_len:
del available_space_ranges[j]
available_space_ranges[j][0] += block_len
# Here we have a bigger file than available ranges so we pick current_offset at the end of allocated space
csv_files_lists[i][2] = current_offset
current_offset += block_len
if self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset:
self.__filenamedirectory = b""
fd_last_attribute_type = config["FilenameDirectory"]["fd_last_attribute_type"]
if fd_last_attribute_type[:2] == "0x":
fd_last_attribute_type = int(fd_last_attribute_type[2:], 16)
# Have to be sorted by index
# current_offset contains now fd offset if not already set
resolver = FilenameResolver(sys_path)
for i in range(len(csv_files_lists)):
self.__tableofcontent += csv_files_lists[i][2].to_bytes(4, "little") + csv_files_lists[i][4].to_bytes(4, "little")
# unpacked_filename, index, offset, filename, file_length
if self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset:
mtime = b"\x00" * 12 # will be patched next pack
fd_last_attribute = None
if type(fd_last_attribute_type) == int:
fd_last_attribute = fd_last_attribute_type.to_bytes(4, "little")
elif fd_last_attribute_type == "length":
fd_last_attribute = csv_files_lists[i][4].to_bytes(4, "little")
elif fd_last_attribute_type == "offset-length":
fd_last_attribute = self.__tableofcontent[8+i*4:8+i*4+4]
else: # == unknown
fd_last_attribute = b"\x00"*4
self.__filenamedirectory += bytes(csv_files_lists[i][3], "utf-8").ljust(32, b"\x00") + mtime + fd_last_attribute
# if unpacked_filename != filename we store it into the resolver
if csv_files_lists[i][0] != csv_files_lists[i][3] or not self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset:
resolver.add(i, csv_files_lists[i][0])
if self.__filenamedirectory:
if not self.__filenamedirectory_offset:
self.__filenamedirectory_offset = current_offset
elif self.__filenamedirectory_offset < current_offset:
raise AfsFdOffsetCollisionError(f"Error - Invalid FD offset 0x{self.__filenamedirectory_offset:x} < last used file block end 0x{current_offset:x}.")
self.__tableofcontent = self.__tableofcontent.ljust(self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset+8, b"\x00") # Add pad if needed
self.__tableofcontent[self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset:self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset+8] = self.__filenamedirectory_offset.to_bytes(4, "little") + self.__filenamedirectory_len.to_bytes(4, "little")"Writting {Path('sys/filenamedirectory.bin')}")
(sys_path / "filenamedirectory.bin").write_bytes(self.__filenamedirectory)"Writting {Path('sys/tableofcontent.bin')}")
(sys_path / "tableofcontent.bin").write_bytes(self.__tableofcontent)
def stats(self, path:Path):
Stats will print the AFS stats:
Get full informations about header, TOC, FD, full memory mapping
sorted by offsets (files and sys files), addresses space informations,
and duplicated filenames grouped by filenames.
if path.is_file():
with"rb") as afs_file:
self.__loadsys_from_afs(afs_file, path.stat().st_size)
self.__loadsys_from_folder(path / "sys")
files_map = self.__get_formated_map()
files_map.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # sort by offset (str with fixed len=8)
# Offsets intersect
dup_offsets_tuples = []
last_tuple = (-1, "-1", "0") # empty space search init
new_set = True
# Filenames duplicates
dup_names_dict = {} # tmp dict for grouping by filename
dup_names_tuples = []
# For empty blocks
empty_space_tuples = []
for file_tuple in files_map:
# Filenames duplicates
if not file_tuple[6] in dup_names_dict:
dup_names_dict[file_tuple[6]] = [file_tuple]
# Offsets intersect
if file_tuple[1] < last_tuple[1]:
if new_set:
dup_offsets_tuples.append("Files sharing same offsets:\n")
new_set = False
new_set = True
# Empty blocks
last_block_end = ceil(int(last_tuple[2], base=16) / Afs.ALIGN) * Afs.ALIGN
if int(file_tuple[1], base=16) - last_block_end >= Afs.ALIGN:
empty_space_tuples.append( (last_tuple[2], file_tuple[1], f"{int(file_tuple[1], base=16) - int(last_tuple[2], base=16):08x}", file_tuple[6]) )
last_tuple = file_tuple
for filename in dup_names_dict:
if len(dup_names_dict[filename]) > 1:
dup_names_tuples += ["Files sharing same name:\n"] + [file_tuple for file_tuple in dup_names_dict[filename]]
dup_offsets = "Yes" if len(dup_offsets_tuples) > 1 else "No"
dup_names = "Yes" if len(dup_names_tuples) > 1 else "No"
empty_space = "Yes" if len(empty_space_tuples) > 1 else "No"
files_info = f"AFS Magic/Version : {str(self.__get_magic())[2:-1]}\n"
files_info += f"TOC offset of the FD offset : 0x{self.__filenamedirectory_offset_offset:x}\n" if self.__filenamedirectory else ""
files_info += f"Multiple files using same offsets: {dup_offsets}\n"
files_info += f"Multiple files using same name : {dup_names}\n" if self.__filenamedirectory else ""
files_info += f"Empty blocks : {empty_space}\n"
self.__print("Global infos and AFS space mapping:", files_map, infos=files_info)
if dup_offsets_tuples:
self.__print("Files sharing same AFS offsets:", dup_offsets_tuples)
if dup_names_tuples:
self.__print("Files using same filenames:", dup_names_tuples)
if empty_space_tuples:
self.__print("Empty blocks between files (filename = name of the previous file):", empty_space_tuples, columns=[1,2,3,6])
def get_argparser():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='AFS packer & unpacker - [GameCube] v' + __version__)
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose mode')
parser.add_argument('input_path', metavar='INPUT', help='')
parser.add_argument('output_path', metavar='OUTPUT', help='', nargs='?', default="")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('-p', '--pack', action='store_true', help="-p source_folder (dest_file.afs): Pack source_folder in new file source_folder.afs or dest_file.afs if specified.")
group.add_argument('-u', '--unpack', action='store_true', help="-u source_afs.afs (dest_folder): Unpack the AFS in new folder source_afs or dest_folder if specified.")
group.add_argument('-s', '--stats', action='store_true', help="-s source_afs.afs or source_folder: Get stats about AFS, files, memory, lengths and offsets.")
group.add_argument('-r', '--rebuild', action='store_true', help="-r source_folder: Rebuild AFS tableofcontent (TOC) and filenamedirectory (FD) using afs_rebuild.conf file and afs_rebuild.csv.")
return parser
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
args = get_argparser().parse_args()
p_input = Path(args.input_path)
p_output = Path(args.output_path)
afs = Afs()
if args.verbose:
if args.pack:"### Pack in new AFS")
if(p_output == Path(".")):
p_output = Path(p_input.with_suffix(".afs"))"packing folder {p_input} in {p_output}")
afs.pack( p_input, p_output )
elif args.unpack:"### Unpack AFS in new folder")
if p_output == Path("."):
p_output = p_input.parent / p_input.stem"unpacking AFS {p_input} in {p_output}")
afs.unpack( p_input, p_output )
elif args.stats:
elif args.rebuild:
if not (p_input / "sys").is_dir():
raise AfsInvalidAfsFolderError(f"Error - Invalid unpacked AFS: {p_input}.")"rebuilding {p_input}")