from pathlib import Path import logging import re __version__ = "0.0.5" __author__ = "rigodron, algoflash, GGLinnk" __license__ = "MIT" __status__ = "developpement" class InvalidIniFileEntryError(Exception): pass class InvalidImgOffsetError(Exception): pass class InvalidVirtualAddressError(Exception): pass # Get non-overlapping intervals from interval by removing intervals_to_remove # intervals_to_remove has to be sorted by left val # return [[a,b], ...] or None def remove_intervals_from_interval(interval:list, intervals_to_remove:list): interval = interval[:] result_intervals = [] for interval_to_remove in intervals_to_remove: if interval_to_remove[2] < interval[1]: continue # end before if interval_to_remove[1] > interval[2]: break # begin after if interval_to_remove[1] <= interval[1]: # begin before if interval_to_remove[2] >= interval[2]: # total overlap return None interval[1] = interval_to_remove[2] # begin truncate elif interval_to_remove[2] >= interval[2]: # end truncate interval[2] = interval_to_remove[1] break else: # middle truncate result_intervals.append( ["empty", interval[1], interval_to_remove[1]] ) interval[1] = interval_to_remove[2] return result_intervals + [interval] # Parse an ini file and return a list of [ [virtual_address:int, value:bytes], ... ] # All ARCodes present in the ini will be enabled without taking care of [ActionReplay_Enabled] section # raise an Exception if lines are in invalid format: # * empty lines are removed # * lines beginning with $ are concidered as comments and are removed # * lines beginning with [ are concidered as comments and are removed # * others lines have to be in format: "0AXXXXXX XXXXXXXX" with (A=2 or A=4) and X in [0-9a-fA-F] def parse_action_replay_ini(path:Path): action_replay_lines = path.read_text().splitlines() pattern = re.compile("^(02|04)([0-9a-zA-Z]{6}) ([0-9a-zA-Z]{8})$") result_list = [] for action_replay_line in action_replay_lines: if len(action_replay_line) == 0: continue if action_replay_line[0] in ["$", "["]: continue res = pattern.fullmatch(action_replay_line) if res is None: raise InvalidIniFileEntryError(f"Error - Arcode has to be in format: '0AXXXXXX XXXXXXXX' with (A=2 or A=4) and X in [0-9a-fA-F] line \"{action_replay_line}\".") virtual_address = int("80"+res[2], base=16) bytes_value = None if res[1] == "04": bytes_value = int(res[3], 16).to_bytes(4, "big") elif res[1] == "02": bytes_value = (int(res[3][:4], 16) + 1) * int(res[3][4:], 16).to_bytes(2, "big") else: raise InvalidIniFileEntryError("Error - Arcode has to be in format: '0AXXXXXX XXXXXXXX' with (A=2 or A=4) and X in [0-9a-fA-F] line \"{action_replay_line}\".") result_list.append( (virtual_address, bytes_value) ) return result_list class Dol: HEADER_LEN = 0x100 __path = None __header = None __data = None # List of 18 tuples [(offset, address, length, is_used), ] that describe all sections of the dol __sections_info = None # (address, length) __bss_info = None __entry_point = None def __init__(self, path:Path): self.__path = path data = path.read_bytes() self.__header = data[:Dol.HEADER_LEN] self.__data = data[Dol.HEADER_LEN:] self.__bss_info = ( int.from_bytes(data[0xd8:0xdc], "big"), int.from_bytes(data[0xdc:0xe0], "big") ) self.__entry_point = int.from_bytes(data[0xe0:0xe4], "big") self.__sections_info = [] for i in range(18): offset = int.from_bytes(data[i*4:i*4+4], "big") address = int.from_bytes(data[0x48+i*4:0x48+i*4+4], "big") length = int.from_bytes(data[0x90+i*4:0x90+i*4+4], "big") is_used = (offset != 0) and (address != 0) and (length != 0) self.__sections_info.append( (offset, address, length, is_used) ) # print a table with each sections def __str__(self): res = f"Entry point: {self.__entry_point:08x}\n\n" res += "Section | Offset | Address | Length | Used\n" + "-"*48 + "\n" i = 0 for section in self.__sections_info: res+= "text"+str(i) if i < 7 else "data"+str(i) if i < 10: res += " " res += f" | {section[0]:08x} | {section[1]:08x} | {section[2]:08x} | {str(section[3])}\n" i += 1 res += f"\nbss: address:{self.__bss_info[0]:08x} length:{self.__bss_info[1]:08x}" return res """ # search_raw: bytecode # we could also identify text segments to improve search def search_raw(self, bytecode:bytes): if len(bytecode) == 0: raise Exception("Error - No bytecode.") offsets = [] for i in range(len(self.__data) - len(bytecode) + 1): if self.__data[i:i+len(bytecode)] == bytecode: offsets.append(self.resolve_img2virtual(i + Dol.HEADER_LEN)) return offsets if len(offsets) > 0 else None """ # Resolve a dol absolute offset to a virtual memory address def resolve_img2virtual(self, offset:int): memory_address = None for section_info in self.__sections_info: if not section_info[3]: continue if offset >= section_info[0] and offset < section_info[0] + section_info[2]: return section_info[1] + offset - section_info[0] raise InvalidImgOffsetError(f"Not found: {offset:08x}") # Resolve a virtual memory address to a dol absolute offset def resolve_virtual2img(self, address:int): for section_info in self.__sections_info: if not section_info[3]: continue if address >= section_info[1] and address < section_info[1] + section_info[2]: return section_info[0] + address - section_info[1] raise InvalidVirtualAddressError(f"Not found in dol initial segments: {address:08x}") def stats(self): print(self) # # system: 0x80000000 -> 0x80003100 # available: 0x80003100 -> 0x81200000 # apploader: 0x81200000 -> 0x81300000 # Bootrom/IPL: 0x81300000 -> 0x81800000 # Now we have to generate a memory map with splited bss and empty spaces # [ [section_name, beg_addr, end_addr, length], ... ] result_intervals = [ ["system", 0x80000000, 0x80003100, 0x3100], ["apploader", 0x81200000, 0x81300000, 0x100000], ["Bootrom/IPL", 0x81300000, 0x81800000, 0x500000]] i = 0 for section in self.__sections_info[:7]: if section[3]: result_intervals.append( [f".text{i}", section[1], section[1] + section[2], section[2]] ) i += 1 i = 0 for section in self.__sections_info[7:18]: if section[3]: result_intervals.append( [f".data{i}", section[1], section[1] + section[2], section[2]] ) i += 1 result_intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) i = 0 for bss_interval in remove_intervals_from_interval([None, self.__bss_info[0], self.__bss_info[0] + self.__bss_info[1]], result_intervals): result_intervals.append( [f".bss{i}", bss_interval[1], bss_interval[2], bss_interval[2] - bss_interval[1]] ) i += 1 # We search now available program space result_intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) empty_intervals = remove_intervals_from_interval(["empty", 0x80003100, 0x81200000], result_intervals) for empty_interval in empty_intervals: result_intervals += [[empty_interval[0], empty_interval[1], empty_interval[2], empty_interval[2] - empty_interval[1]]] result_intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) str_buffer = "\nSection | beg_addr | end_addr | length |\n" + "-"*48 + "\n" for interval in result_intervals: str_buffer += f"{interval[0].ljust(12)} | {interval[1]:08x} | {interval[2]:08x} | {interval[3]:08x} | \n" print(str_buffer) def extract(self, filename:str, section_index:int): if section_index > 17: raise Exception("Error - Section index has to be in 0 - 17") begin_offset = self.__sections_info[section_index][0] - self.HEADER_LEN end_offset = begin_offset + self.__sections_info[section_index][2] section_type = "text" if section_index < 7 else "data" Path(f"{filename}_{section_type}{section_index}").write_bytes(self.__data[begin_offset:end_offset]) # [ [virtual_address:int, value:bytes], ... ] def patch_action_replay(self, virtualaddress_bytes_list:list): self.__data = bytearray(self.__data) for virtualaddress_bytes in virtualaddress_bytes_list: offset = self.resolve_virtual2img(virtualaddress_bytes[0]) print(f"Patching {virtualaddress_bytes[0]:08x} at dol offset {offset:08x} with value {virtualaddress_bytes[1].hex()}") self.__data[offset: offset + len(virtualaddress_bytes[1])] = virtualaddress_bytes[1] def get_argparser(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='dol file format utilities - [GameCube] v' + __version__) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose mode') parser.add_argument('input_path', metavar='INPUT', help='') parser.add_argument('arg2', metavar='arg2', help='', nargs='?', default=None) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('-v2i', '--virtual2image', action='store_true', help="-v2i source.dol virtual_address: Translate a virtual address into a dol offset if this was originaly mapped from data or text. virtual_address has to be in hexadecimal: 80003100.") group.add_argument('-i2v', '--image2virtual', action='store_true', help="-i2b source.dol dol_offset: Translate a dol offset to a virtual address mapped from data or text. dol_offset has to be in hexadecimal: 2000.") group.add_argument('-s', '--stats', action='store_true', help="-s source.dol: Get stats about entry point, sections, bss and unused virtual address space.") group.add_argument('-e', '--extract', action='store_true', help="-e source.dol section_index: Extract a section. index must be between 0 and 17") group.add_argument('-par', '--patch-action-replay', action='store_true', help="-p source.dol action_replay.ini: Patch initialised data inside the dol with an ini file containing a list of [write] directives. Handle only ARCodes beginning with 04.") return parser if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) args = get_argparser().parse_args() p_input = Path(args.input_path) if args.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not p_input.is_file(): raise Exception("Error - Invalid dol file path.") dol = Dol(p_input) if args.virtual2image: if args.arg2 is None: raise Exception("Error - Virtual address has to be specified in hexadecimal: 80003000.") virtual_address = int(args.arg2, 16) try: offset = dol.resolve_virtual2img(virtual_address) print(f"Virtual address {virtual_address:08x} is at dol offset {offset:08x}") except InvalidVirtualAddressError: print("This virtual address is not in the dol.") elif args.image2virtual: if args.arg2 is None: raise Exception("Error - dol offset has to be specified in hexadecimal: 1234.") offset = int(args.arg2, 16) try: virtual_address = dol.resolve_img2virtual(offset) print(f"Dol offset {offset:08x} is at virtual address {virtual_address:08x}") except InvalidImgOffsetError: print("This dol offset is invalid.") elif args.stats: dol.stats() elif args.extract:"### Extract section") if args.arg2 is None: raise Exception("Error - Section index has to be specified.") index = int(args.arg2) section_type = "text" if index < 7 else "data""Extracting section {index} in file {}_{section_type}{index}...") dol.extract(, index) elif args.patch_action_replay:"### Patch dol using Action Replay ini file") if args.arg2 is None: raise Exception("Error - Action Replay ini file has to be specified.") action_replay_ini_path = Path(args.arg2) if not action_replay_ini_path.is_file(): raise Exception("Error - Invalid action replay ini file path.")"Patching dol {p_input} using .ini file {action_replay_ini_path}...") dol.patch_action_replay(parse_action_replay_ini(action_replay_ini_path))