#!/usr/bin/env python3 from configparser import ConfigParser import logging from math import ceil from pathlib import Path __version__ = "0.0.1" __author__ = "rigodron, algoflash, GGLinnk, CrystalPixel" __license__ = "MIT" __status__ = "developpement" AVAILABLE_CHARSETS = ["USA", "EU"] TPL_MAGIC_NUMBER = b"\x00\x20\xAF\x30" USA_CHARSET = { b"\x81\x43": ",", b"\x81\x44": ".", b"\x81\x45": "°", b"\x81\x46": ":", b"\x81\x47": ";", b"\x81\x48": "?", b"\x81\x49": "!", b"\x81\x51": "_", b"\x81\x5e": "/", b"\x81\x65": None, b"\x81\x66": "'", b"\x81\x67": "«", b"\x81\x68": "\"", b"\x81\x69": "(", b"\x81\x6a": ")", b"\x81\x7b": "+", b"\x81\x7c": "-", b"\x81\x7e": "×", b"\x81\x80": "÷", b"\x81\x81": "=", b"\x81\x83": "<", b"\x81\x84": ">", b"\x81\x93": "%", b"\x81\x94": "#", b"\x81\x95": "&", b"\x81\x96": "*", b"\x81\x97": "@", b"\x81\xa5": None, b"\x82\x4f": "0", b"\x82\x50": "1", b"\x82\x51": "2", b"\x82\x52": "3", b"\x82\x53": "4", b"\x82\x54": "5", b"\x82\x55": "6", b"\x82\x56": "7", b"\x82\x57": "8", b"\x82\x58": "9", b"\x82\x60": "A", b"\x82\x61": "B", b"\x82\x62": "C", b"\x82\x63": "D", b"\x82\x64": "E", b"\x82\x65": "F", b"\x82\x66": "G", b"\x82\x67": "H", b"\x82\x68": "I", b"\x82\x69": "J", b"\x82\x6a": "K", b"\x82\x6b": "L", b"\x82\x6c": "M", b"\x82\x6d": "N", b"\x82\x6e": "O", b"\x82\x6f": "P", b"\x82\x70": "Q", b"\x82\x71": "R", b"\x82\x72": "S", b"\x82\x73": "T", b"\x82\x74": "U", b"\x82\x75": "V", b"\x82\x76": "W", b"\x82\x77": "X", b"\x82\x78": "Y", b"\x82\x79": "Z", b"\x82\x81": "a", b"\x82\x82": "b", b"\x82\x83": "c", b"\x82\x84": "d", b"\x82\x85": "e", b"\x82\x86": "f", b"\x82\x87": "g", b"\x82\x88": "h", b"\x82\x89": "i", b"\x82\x8a": "j", b"\x82\x8b": "k", b"\x82\x8c": "l", b"\x82\x8d": "m", b"\x82\x8e": "n", b"\x82\x8f": "o", b"\x82\x90": "p", b"\x82\x91": "q", b"\x82\x92": "r", b"\x82\x93": "s", b"\x82\x94": "t", b"\x82\x95": "u", b"\x82\x96": "v", b"\x82\x97": "w", b"\x82\x98": "x", b"\x82\x99": "y", b"\x82\x9a": "z", b"\x83\xbf": None, b"\x89\xce": None, b"\x8c\xba": None, b"\x8c\xd5": None, b"\x8e\xe9": None, b"\x90\x9d": None, b"\x90\xc2": None, b"\x92\xb4": None, b"\x94\x92": None, b"\x95\x90": None, b"\x97\xb4": None} EU_CHARSET = { b"\x21\x21": "¡", b"\x21\x3f": "¿", b"\x21\x43": "Ç", b"\x21\x4e": "Ñ", b"\x21\x62": "ß", b"\x21\x63": "ç", b"\x21\x6e": "ñ", b"\x22\x41": "Ä", b"\x22\x45": "Ë", b"\x22\x49": "Ï", b"\x22\x4f": "Ö", b"\x22\x55": "Ü", b"\x22\x61": "ä", b"\x22\x65": "ë", b"\x22\x69": "ï", b"\x22\x6f": "ö", b"\x22\x75": "ü", b"\x27\x41": "Á", b"\x27\x45": "É", b"\x27\x49": "Í", b"\x27\x4f": "Ó", b"\x27\x55": "Ú", b"\x27\x61": "á", b"\x27\x65": "é", b"\x27\x69": "í", b"\x27\x6f": "ó", b"\x27\x75": "ú", b"\x41\x45": "Æ", b"\x4f\x45": "Œ", b"\x5e\x41": "Â", b"\x5e\x45": "Ê", b"\x5e\x49": "Î", b"\x5e\x4f": "Ô", b"\x5e\x55": "Û", b"\x5e\x61": "â", b"\x5e\x65": "ê", b"\x5e\x69": "î", b"\x5e\x6f": "ô", b"\x5e\x75": "û", b"\x60\x41": "À", b"\x60\x45": "È", b"\x60\x49": "Ì", b"\x60\x4f": "Ò", b"\x60\x55": "Ù", b"\x60\x61": "à", b"\x60\x65": "è", b"\x60\x69": "ì", b"\x60\x6f": "ò", b"\x60\x75": "ù", b"\x61\x65": "æ", b"\x6f\x65": "œ", b"\x81\x43": ",", b"\x81\x44": ".", b"\x81\x45": "°", b"\x81\x46": ":", b"\x81\x47": ";", b"\x81\x48": "?", b"\x81\x49": "!", b"\x81\x51": "_", b"\x81\x5e": "/", b"\x81\x65": None, b"\x81\x66": None, b"\x81\x67": None, b"\x81\x68": None, b"\x81\x69": "(", b"\x81\x6a": ")", b"\x81\x7b": "+", b"\x81\x7c": "-", b"\x81\x7e": "×", b"\x81\x80": "÷", b"\x81\x81": "=", b"\x81\x83": "<", b"\x81\x84": ">", b"\x81\x93": "%", b"\x81\x94": "#", b"\x81\x95": "&", b"\x81\x96": "*", b"\x81\x97": "@", b"\x81\xa5": None, b"\x82\x4f": "0", b"\x82\x50": "1", b"\x82\x51": "2", b"\x82\x52": "3", b"\x82\x53": "4", b"\x82\x54": "5", b"\x82\x55": "6", b"\x82\x56": "7", b"\x82\x57": "8", b"\x82\x58": "9", b"\x82\x60": "A", b"\x82\x61": "B", b"\x82\x62": "C", b"\x82\x63": "D", b"\x82\x64": "E", b"\x82\x65": "F", b"\x82\x66": "G", b"\x82\x67": "H", b"\x82\x68": "I", b"\x82\x69": "J", b"\x82\x6a": "K", b"\x82\x6b": "L", b"\x82\x6c": "M", b"\x82\x6d": "N", b"\x82\x6e": "O", b"\x82\x6f": "P", b"\x82\x70": "Q", b"\x82\x71": "R", b"\x82\x72": "S", b"\x82\x73": "T", b"\x82\x74": "U", b"\x82\x75": "V", b"\x82\x76": "W", b"\x82\x77": "X", b"\x82\x78": "Y", b"\x82\x79": "Z", b"\x82\x81": "a", b"\x82\x82": "b", b"\x82\x83": "c", b"\x82\x84": "d", b"\x82\x85": "e", b"\x82\x86": "f", b"\x82\x87": "g", b"\x82\x88": "h", b"\x82\x89": "i", b"\x82\x8a": "j", b"\x82\x8b": "k", b"\x82\x8c": "l", b"\x82\x8d": "m", b"\x82\x8e": "n", b"\x82\x8f": "o", b"\x82\x90": "p", b"\x82\x91": "q", b"\x82\x92": "r", b"\x82\x93": "s", b"\x82\x94": "t", b"\x82\x95": "u", b"\x82\x96": "v", b"\x82\x97": "w", b"\x82\x98": "x", b"\x82\x99": "y", b"\x82\x9a": "z"} SPECIAL_CHARS = [b"\x80\x02", b"\x80\x03"] SPECIAL_CHARS_2 = [b"\x80\x00"] # Raised during unpack when the charset is invalid. class InvalidCharsetError(Exception): pass def align_top(offset:int, align:int): """ Give the upper rounded offset aligned using the align value. input: offset = int input: align = int return offset = int """ if offset % align == 0: return offset return offset + align - (offset % align) def bytes2_to_hex(data:bytes, skip_format=False): return f"{data[0]:02x}{data[1]:02x}" if skip_format else f"\\x{data[0]:02x}\\x{data[1]:02x}" class TxtDat: PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR = "\n--------------------------------\n" __HEADERALIGN = 32 __path = None __symbols_count = None __symbol_list = None __paragraph_offsets_blocks_list_offset = None def __init__(self, path:Path): self.__path = path self.__symbol_list = [] def unpack(self, file_data:bytes, charset:str, charset_dict:dict): self.__paragraph_offsets_blocks_list_offset = int.from_bytes(file_data[:4], "big") self.__symbols_count = int.from_bytes(file_data[4:8], "big") conf_txt = f"{charset}" for i in range(self.__symbols_count): symbol_data = file_data[8+i*2:10+i*2] self.__symbol_list.append( charset_dict[symbol_data] ) conf_txt += ";" + bytes2_to_hex(symbol_data, skip_format=True) (self.__path / "conf.txt").write_text(conf_txt) i = 0 while True: paragraph_offsets_block_offset = int.from_bytes(file_data[self.__paragraph_offsets_blocks_list_offset + i*4:self.__paragraph_offsets_blocks_list_offset + 4 + i*4], "big", signed=True) if paragraph_offsets_block_offset == -1: break j = 0 paragraphs_txt = "" while True: paragraph_offset = int.from_bytes(file_data[paragraph_offsets_block_offset + j*4:paragraph_offsets_block_offset + j*4 + 4], "big", signed=True) if paragraph_offset == -1: paragraphs_txt = paragraphs_txt[:-len(TxtDat.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR)] break paragraph_len = int.from_bytes(file_data[paragraph_offset:paragraph_offset+2], "big") k = 3 while k < paragraph_len + 3: char_data = file_data[paragraph_offset + k*2:paragraph_offset + k*2 + 2] char_value = int.from_bytes(char_data, "big", signed=True) if 0 <= char_value < self.__symbols_count and self.__symbol_list[char_value] is not None: paragraphs_txt += self.__symbol_list[char_value] elif char_value == -2: paragraphs_txt += " " elif char_data == b"\x10\x00": paragraphs_txt += "\n" else: paragraphs_txt += bytes2_to_hex(char_data) if char_data in SPECIAL_CHARS: paragraph_len += 2 paragraphs_txt += bytes2_to_hex(file_data[paragraph_offset + k*2 + 2:paragraph_offset + k*2 + 4]) k += 2 continue elif char_data in SPECIAL_CHARS_2: paragraph_len += 1 k += 1 paragraphs_txt += TxtDat.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR j += 1 (self.__path / f"0_{i}.txt").write_text(paragraphs_txt) i += 1 def pack(self, files_paths:Path): conf_txt = (self.__path / "conf.txt").read_text().split(";") charset_dict = None if conf_txt[0] == "USA": charset_dict = USA_CHARSET elif conf_txt[0] == "EU": charset_dict = EU_CHARSET self.__symbols_count = 0 header_bytes = b"" for symbol_data in conf_txt[1:]: self.__symbols_count += 1 symbol_data_b = bytes.fromhex(symbol_data) self.__symbol_list.append( charset_dict[symbol_data_b] ) header_bytes += symbol_data_b header_bytes = self.__symbols_count.to_bytes(4, "big") + header_bytes # We align header with 32 mores bytes if we have the exact match of align header_bytes = header_bytes.ljust( len(header_bytes) + TxtDat.__HEADERALIGN - ( (len(header_bytes) + 4) % TxtDat.__HEADERALIGN), b"\x00" ) header_bytes = (len(header_bytes) + 4).to_bytes(4, "big") + header_bytes # Now we retrieve every paragraph of the unpacked folder files and we translate it back to bytes with 32 bytes align. paragraphs_list = [] for file_path in files_paths: paragraphs = [] for paragraph_txt in file_path.read_text().split(TxtDat.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR): paragraph = b"" total_len = 0 max_width = 0 i = 0 current_width = 0 while i < len(paragraph_txt): if paragraph_txt[i:i+2] == "\\x": paragraph += bytes.fromhex(paragraph_txt[i+2:i+4] + paragraph_txt[i+6:i+8]) if bytes.fromhex(paragraph_txt[i+2:i+4] + paragraph_txt[i+6:i+8]) in SPECIAL_CHARS: current_width -= 1 total_len -= 1 elif bytes.fromhex(paragraph_txt[i+2:i+4] + paragraph_txt[i+6:i+8]) not in SPECIAL_CHARS_2: total_len += 1 current_width += 1 i += 8 continue elif paragraph_txt[i] == "\n": max_width = max(max_width, current_width + 1) paragraph += b"\x10\x00" current_width = -1 # to 0 elif paragraph_txt[i] == ' ': paragraph += b"\xFF\xFE" else: paragraph += self.__symbol_list.index(paragraph_txt[i]).to_bytes(2, "big") total_len += 1 current_width += 1 i += 1 max_width = max(max_width, current_width) paragraph = total_len.to_bytes(2, "big") + len(paragraph_txt.splitlines()).to_bytes(2, "big") + max_width.to_bytes(2, "big") + paragraph paragraphs.append( paragraph.ljust(align_top(len(paragraph), 32), b"\x00") ) paragraphs_list.append(paragraphs) # header_bytes contains the header aligned to 32 upper # Here we align to 32 the paragraph_offsets_blocks_list current_offset = len(header_bytes) + align_top(len(paragraphs_list)*4 + 4, 32) # + 4 because -1 terminated body_data = b"" for paragraphs in paragraphs_list: header_bytes += current_offset.to_bytes(4, "big") # We calculate end of paragraph_offsets_block before adding paragraphs content in data block following it. current_offset += align_top(len(paragraphs)*4 + 4, 32) offsets_block = b"" data_block = b"" for paragraph in paragraphs: offsets_block += current_offset.to_bytes(4, "big") data_block += paragraph # each paragraph is already aligned to 32 current_offset += len(paragraph) offsets_block += b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" offsets_block = offsets_block.ljust(align_top(len(offsets_block), 32), b"\x00") body_data += offsets_block + data_block header_bytes += b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" header_bytes = header_bytes.ljust(align_top(len(header_bytes), 32), b"\x00") return header_bytes + body_data class Mdt: __HEADER_LEN = 0x800 __ALIGN = 0x800 def unpack(self, mdt_path:Path, folder_path:Path, charset:str): logging.info(f"Unpacking {mdt_path} in {folder_path}...") charset_dict = None if charset == "USA": charset_dict = USA_CHARSET elif charset == "EU": charset_dict = EU_CHARSET with mdt_path.open("rb") as mdt_file: file_count = int.from_bytes(mdt_file.read(4), "big") file_length_list = [] for i in range(file_count): file_length_list.append( int.from_bytes(mdt_file.read(4), "big") * Mdt.__ALIGN ) mdt_file.seek(Mdt.__HEADER_LEN) folder_path.mkdir() if len(file_length_list) != 2: raise Exception("Error - mdt total files != 2!") txtdat = TxtDat(folder_path) txtdat.unpack( mdt_file.read(file_length_list[0]), charset, charset_dict) (folder_path / "charset.tpl").write_bytes( mdt_file.read(file_length_list[1]) ) def pack(self, folder_path:Path, mdt_path:Path): logging.info(f"Packing {folder_path} in {mdt_path}...") txtdat = TxtDat(folder_path) dat_files_paths = list(folder_path.glob("0_*")) txtdat_data = txtdat.pack(dat_files_paths) with mdt_path.open("wb") as mdt_file: header_bytes = b"\x00\x00\x00\x02" mdt_file.seek(Mdt.__HEADER_LEN) header_bytes += ceil(len(txtdat_data) / Mdt.__ALIGN).to_bytes(4, "big") mdt_file.write( txtdat_data.ljust(align_top(len(txtdat_data), self.__ALIGN), b"\x00") ) file_data = (folder_path / "charset.tpl").read_bytes() header_bytes += ceil(len(file_data) / Mdt.__ALIGN).to_bytes(4, "big") mdt_file.write(file_data) mdt_file.seek(0) mdt_file.write( header_bytes ) def get_argparser(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Gotcha Force MDT packer & unpacker - [GameCube] v' + __version__) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose mode') parser.add_argument('-c', '--charset', type=str, help='-c=USA: use USA charset when unpacking.', default="") parser.add_argument('input_path', metavar='INPUT', help='') parser.add_argument('output_path', metavar='OUTPUT', help='', nargs='?', default="") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('-p', '--pack', action='store_true', help="-p source_folder (dest_file.mdt): Pack source_folder in new file source_folder.mdt or dest_file.mdt if specified.") group.add_argument('-u', '--unpack', action='store_true', help="-u source_file.mdt (dest_folder): Unpack the mdt file in new folder source_file or dest_folder if specified.") return parser if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) args = get_argparser().parse_args() p_input = Path(args.input_path) p_output = Path(args.output_path) mdt = Mdt() if args.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if args.pack: logging.info("### Pack") if not p_input.is_dir(): raise Exception("Error - Invalid unpacked mdt folder path.") if p_output == Path("."): p_output = p_input.with_suffix(".mdt") if p_output.is_file() or p_output.is_dir(): raise Exception(f"Error - {p_output} already exist. Please remove it before packing.") mdt.pack(p_input, p_output) elif args.unpack: logging.info("### Unpack") if args.charset not in AVAILABLE_CHARSETS: raise InvalidCharsetError(f"Error - Invalid charset. To unpack the charset must be specified and in {str(AVAILABLE_CHARSETS)}") if not p_input.is_file(): raise Exception("Error - Invalid mdt file path.") if p_output == Path("."): p_output = p_input.parent / p_input.stem if p_output.is_file() or p_output.is_dir(): raise Exception(f"Error - {p_output} already exist. Please remove it before unpacking.") mdt.unpack(p_input, p_output, args.charset)