#!/usr/bin/env python3 from math import ceil from pathlib import Path import shutil from struct import pack, unpack from os import listdir import logging from enum import Enum import re __version__ = "0.0.17" __author__ = "rigodron, algoflash, GGLinnk, CrystalPixel" __license__ = "MIT" __status__ = "developpement" def extract_animations(mot_path: Path, dest_folder: Path): """ Extract the animations from a mot file and write them to separate files """ with open(mot_path, "rb") as mot_file: # Read the header with unpack (4 bytes) of 6 offsets (4 bytes each) header = unpack(">6I", mot_file.read(24)) # All offsets represents list of another offsets (animations header) # Separate by 0xFFFFFFFF (end of each list) animation_index = 0 for i in range(len(header) -1): mot_file.seek(header[i]) animations_offsets = unpack(">" + "I" * ceil(header[i] / 4), mot_file.read(header[i])) for j in range(len(animations_offsets) - 1): if animations_offsets[j] == 0xFFFFFFFF: break if animations_offsets[j] == 0x00000000: continue mot_file.seek(animations_offsets[j]) animation_header = unpack(">4I", mot_file.read(16)) file_size, data_block_size, relocation_table_count, root_count = animation_header animation_data = mot_file.read(file_size - 16) dest_path = dest_folder / f"animation_{animation_index}.dat" with open(dest_path, "wb") as dest_file: dest_file.write(pack(">4I", file_size, data_block_size, relocation_table_count, root_count) + animation_data) dest_file.write(b"\x00" * (ceil(dest_file.tell() / 16) * 16 - dest_file.tell())) animation_index += 1 def get_argparser(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MOT unpacker - [GameCube] Gotcha Force v' + __version__) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose mode') parser.add_argument('input_path', metavar='INPUT', help='') parser.add_argument('output_path', metavar='OUTPUT', help='', nargs='?', default="") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('-test', '--test', action='store_true', help="-test source_folder (dest_file.mot) : mot source_folder in new file source_folder.mot or dest_file if specified") return parser if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) args = get_argparser().parse_args() p_input = Path(args.input_path) p_output = Path(args.output_path) if args.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif args.test: logging.info("### Test ###") extract_animations(p_input, p_output)