diff --git a/doltool/README.md b/doltool/README.md index 09745d2..7a5c684 100644 --- a/doltool/README.md +++ b/doltool/README.md @@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ Print stats about the dol file. This stats contains informations about full head doltool.py --stats source.dol ``` +Analyse action_replay_list.ini and the dol. Overlapping arcodes are printed and then unmapped memory address spaces splited by sections will be displayed. This memory ranges will be added in the dol if the -sr command is used when patching using -par command. +``` +doltool.py --analyse-action-replay source.dol -ini action_replay_list.ini +``` + Patch the dol data and text section using an action_replay.ini file containing write instructions (02/04 implemented yet). If the virtual address of the ARCode doesn't match existing mapped data or text sections it raise an Exception. To avoid this exception use the -sr argument to auto remap dol offsets and create news data sections reserved for the patching process. ``` doltool.py --patch-action-replay source.dol -ini action_replay_list.ini [-sr]