/* * Copyright (C) 2019 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. (http://www.nic.cz/) * * This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. * See /LICENSE for more information. */ import { useCallback, useEffect, useReducer, useState, } from "react"; import { ForisURLs } from "../utils/forisUrls"; import { API_ACTIONS, API_METHODS, API_STATE, getErrorPayload, HEADERS, TIMEOUT, } from "./utils"; const DATA_METHODS = ["POST", "PATCH", "PUT"]; function createAPIHook(method) { return (urlRoot, contentType) => { const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(APIReducer, { state: API_STATE.INIT, data: null, }); const sendRequest = useCallback(async ({ data, suffix } = {}) => { const headers = { ...HEADERS }; if (contentType) { headers["Content-Type"] = contentType; } dispatch({ type: API_ACTIONS.INIT }); try { // Prepare request const request = API_METHODS[method]; const config = { timeout: TIMEOUT, headers, }; const url = suffix ? `${urlRoot}/${suffix}` : urlRoot; // Make request let result; if (DATA_METHODS.includes(method)) { result = await request(url, data, config); } else { result = await request(url, config); } // Process request result dispatch({ type: API_ACTIONS.SUCCESS, payload: result.data, }); } catch (error) { const errorPayload = getErrorPayload(error); dispatch({ type: API_ACTIONS.FAILURE, status: error.response && error.response.status, payload: errorPayload, }); } }, [urlRoot, contentType]); return [state, sendRequest]; }; } function APIReducer(state, action) { switch (action.type) { case API_ACTIONS.INIT: return { ...state, state: API_STATE.SENDING, }; case API_ACTIONS.SUCCESS: return { state: API_STATE.SUCCESS, data: action.payload, }; case API_ACTIONS.FAILURE: if (action.status === 403) { window.location.assign(ForisURLs.login); } // Not an API error - should be rethrown. if (action.payload && action.payload.stack && action.payload.message) { throw (action.payload); } return { state: API_STATE.ERROR, data: action.payload, }; default: throw new Error(); } } const useAPIGet = createAPIHook("GET"); const useAPIPost = createAPIHook("POST"); const useAPIPatch = createAPIHook("PATCH"); const useAPIPut = createAPIHook("PUT"); const useAPIDelete = createAPIHook("DELETE"); export { useAPIGet, useAPIPost, useAPIPatch, useAPIPut, useAPIDelete, }; export function useAPIPolling(endpoint, delay = 1000, until) { // delay ms const [state, setState] = useState({ state: API_STATE.INIT }); const [getResponse, get] = useAPIGet(endpoint); useEffect(() => { if (getResponse.state !== API_STATE.INIT) { setState(getResponse); } }, [getResponse]); useEffect(() => { if (until) { const interval = setInterval(get, delay); return () => clearInterval(interval); } }, [until, delay, get]); return [state]; }