Sooner or later you will face with situation when you want/need to make some changes in the library. Then the most important tool for you it's [`npm link`]( Please, notice that it will not work if you link library just from root of the repo. It happens due to location of sources `./src`. You need to pack library first `make pack` and then link it from `./dist` directory. Yeah it's not such comfortable solution for development. But it can fixed by writing small script similar as `make pack` but with linking every file and directory from `./src` to the some directory and linking then from it. Notice that you need to link `package.json` and `package-lock.json` as well. So step by step: ```bash make pack; cd dist; npm link; cd $project_dir/js # Navigate to JS directory of the project where you want to link the library npm link foris ``` And that's it ;)