.PHONY: all install-js watch-js build-js publish-beta lint-js test-js create-messages update-messages clean all: @echo "make install-js" @echo " Install dependencies" @echo "make watch-js" @echo " Compile JS in watch mode." @echo "make build-js" @echo " Compile JS." @echo "make publish-beta" @echo " Publish package with 'beta' tag" @echo "make lint-js" @echo " Run linter" @echo "make test-js" @echo " Run tests" @echo "make create-messages" @echo " Create locale messages (.pot)." @echo "make update-messages" @echo " Update locale messages from .pot file." @echo "make clean" @echo " Remove python artifacts and virtualenv." install-js: package.json npm install --save-dev watch-js: npm run watch build-js: npm run build publish-beta: npm publish --tag beta lint: npm run lint test: npm test create-messages: pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o ./translations/forisjs.pot . update-messages: pybabel update -i translations/forisjs.pot -d translations clean: rm -rf node_modules dist