# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. (https://www.nic.cz/) # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. # See /LICENSE for more information. .PHONY: all install-js watch-js build-js collect-files pack publish-beta publish-latest lint test test-js-update-snapshots create-messages update-messages docs docs-watch clean PROJECT="Foris JS" # Retrieve Foris JS version from package.json VERSION= $(shell sed -En "s/.*version['\"]: ['\"](.+)['\"].*/\1/p" package.json) COPYRIGHT_HOLDER="CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. (https://www.nic.cz/)" MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS="tech.support@turris.cz" DEV_PYTHON=python3 VENV_NAME?=venv VENV_BIN=$(shell pwd)/$(VENV_NAME)/bin all: @echo "make install-js" @echo " Install dependencies" @echo "make watch-js" @echo " Compile JS in watch mode." @echo "make build-js" @echo " Compile JS." @echo "make lint-js" @echo " Run linter" @echo "make test-js" @echo " Run tests" @echo "make create-messages" @echo " Create locale messages (.pot)." @echo "make update-messages" @echo " Update locale messages from .pot file." @echo "make docs" @echo " Build project documentation." @echo "make docs-watch" @echo " Start styleguidist server." @echo "make clean" @echo " Remove python artifacts and virtualenv." venv: $(VENV_NAME)/bin/activate $(VENV_NAME)/bin/activate: test -d $(VENV_NAME) || $(DEV_PYTHON) -m virtualenv -p $(DEV_PYTHON) $(VENV_NAME) $(VENV_BIN)/$(DEV_PYTHON) -m pip install -r requirements.txt touch $(VENV_NAME)/bin/activate install-js: package.json npm install --save-dev collect-files: sh scripts/collect_files.sh pack: collect-files cd dist && npm pack publish-beta: collect-files sh scripts/publish.sh beta publish-latest: collect-files sh scripts/publish.sh latest lint: npm run lint lint-js-fix: npm run lint:fix test: npm test test-js-update-snapshots: npm test -- -u create-messages: venv $(VENV_BIN)/pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o ./translations/forisjs.pot . --project=$(PROJECT) --version=$(VERSION) --copyright-holder=$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER) --msgid-bugs-address=$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS) update-messages: venv $(VENV_BIN)/pybabel update -i ./translations/forisjs.pot -d ./translations -D forisjs --update-header-comment docs: npm run-script docs docs-watch: npm run-script docs:watch clean: rm -rf node_modules dist